A rule against excluding any student.
What is zero reject?
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
Ensures students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment that includes a student-specific plan and special education services and supports.
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
Autism, Deaf-Blindness, Deafness, Developmental Delay, Emotional Disability, Hearing Impairment, Intellectual Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Other Health Impairment, Orthopedic Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Visual Impairment
What are IDEA's 14 Disability Categories?
A rule requiring schools to provide individually tailored education for each student based on evaluation and augmented by related services and supplementary aids and services.
What is appropriate education?
What is an Individualized Education Plan (or Program)?
Principal federal law affecting both general and special education. Authorizes federal funding for states to operate elementary and secondary education programs.
What is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act?
Provides accommodations but not special education services. (Hint: Offered in College.)
What is a 504 Plan?
A rule requiring schools to collaborate with parents and adolescent students in designing and carrying out special education programs.
What is parent and student participation?
What is Free Appropriate Public Education?
Extends civil rights/nondiscrimination protection to people with disabilities in private-sector employment, transportation, state and local government activities and programs, privately operated businesses open to the public, and telecommunications.
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
Student’s parents, general education teacher, special education teacher, qualified representative of the school system, an individual who can interpret evaluation results.
In some instances related service providers, individuals invited by the parents, and the student themselves.
What are IEP Team Participants?
A rule requiring schools to educate students with disabilities alongside students without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate for the students with disabilities.
What is least restrictive environment (LRE)?
Brownie points for BIP
What is Functional Behavioral Assessment?
What is Behavior Intervention Plan?
Prohibits discrimination of people with disabilities, on the basis of disability, by any activity or program receiving federal financial assistance.
What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?
Services necessary to assist students in benefitting from special education.
What are Related Services?
A rule providing safeguards for students against schools' actions, including a right to sue schools in court.
What is procedural due process?
What is Council for Exceptional Children?
Legislation to ensure all students are held to high standards, results of statewide assessments are broadly shared, and that lowest-performing schools are accountable for improvement.
What is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)?
The two largest categories of disabilities.
What is specific learning disability (SLD) and speech or language impairment (SLP)?