What is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
It takes 60 days
What is to complete an IEP evaluation/assessment?
This helps create the goal
These are the members of the IEP team
What are SPED teachers, school administrator, general education teacher, and parent?
What is Free and Appropriate Public Education?
How long it takes to send parents an AP upon their request
What is within 15 days?
PLPs help create...
What is the goal?
When I can make edits to the IEP
What is only during the IEP meeting?
The tab where uploaded documents go
What is the management tab in Welligent?
What is Independent Educational Evaluation?
Frequency of Annual IEP meetings
What is at least once a year?
This is what PLPs are made of
What are strengths and needs?
Teachers can be excused when
What is parent being notified 48 hours before the IEP meeting, and signing the excusal form to permit teacher excusal?
Where parent input is documented
What is FAPE 2, additional discussions?
What is Behavior Intervention Plan?
It takes this long to give parents copies of records upon request
What is within 5 days of their request, and before any IEP meetings
The link between the need and the goal
What is the impact of disability statement?
I can recess the IEP meeting when...
What is when the IEP team uncovers new information during the meeting that requires an extension to the meeting?
When to obtain parent signature
What is at the conclusion of the IEP meeting?
What is Office for Civil Rights?
Time it should take to hold a parent-requested IEP meeting
What is within 30 days?
When IEP progress reports go to parents
What is when report cards are sent by the school?
LRE is not dictated by any of these reasons
Requirement for providing services in LRE
What is providing services in a setting that allows the student to be with their non-disabled peers as much as possible, while meeting their specific needs?