One of the easiest ways to drive a conversation is to ask a...
Are 1-word answers usually conversation drivers or stoppers?
Joe: "I'm thinking of going to see the new movie. Do you know anything about it?"
John: "No."
One way to drive a conversation is to make a comment. Which comment drives the conversation?
a) Ok.
b) I like that movie too!
b) I like that movie too!
Which is a conversation stopper?
a) Looking away
b) Looking interested
a) Looking away
Joe: "What video game?"
True or False: Asking questions is a strategy to drive a conversation.
Which one is a conversation stopper?
a) staying on topic
b) 1-word answers (e.g., Ok; Cool)
b) 1-word answers
Tim: "My favorite artist is Taylor Swift."
Trina: "Her music is awful."