Who is Lulu Burnside
This person gave $1,000,000 to random Pennsylvania voters
Who is Elon musk
Drew‘s favorite politician
Who is Ron Desantis
My IQ is one of the highest-and you all know it!
Who is Trump
Who is Reese
This senator in our district is obsessed with Lynn for no reason
Who is Griffin
These creatures were found on an airplane passengers body
What are tarantulas
Drew invited this person to speak at the ceremony last year
Who is Kenny Shoe
You don’t think that I would be one of the modern characters in today’s Bible?
Who is Kanye
This person argued the wrong side of the debate during a speech
Who is Meri
The company that kept Jinhee awake every morning
What is Perdue
Drew said “this country is for white Christians and immigrants need to learn and respect that” to this person (and Reese)
Who is Meri?
Any girl you have, I can take from you
Who is Trump
These NRCA alums fell asleep during a Trump rally
Who are the Osbornes