Youre sent a ballot to judge HI
What does that stand for?
Humorous Interpretation
Youre sent a ballot to judge DUO
What does that stand for?
duo interpretation
Somebody asks for a 2 down. what does this mean?
2 at 8, 1 at 9, fist at 10. (if they don't specify, ask if they want a C at 9:30)
a student does the worst speech youve ever seen. what do you put on their ballot?
a) "great job!"
b) nothing
c) helpful feedback with what they did well/not well
helpful feedback with what they did well/not well
a student writes DE or DEWR. what does that mean?
Double Entered (doing this event first, then going to my next), and Double Entered Will Return (going to the other event first, then coming back)
Youre sent a ballot to judge DI
What does that stand for?
Dramatic Interpretation
Youre sent a ballot to judge EXT
What does that stand for?
Extemperaneous speaking
somebody asks for a 3 down, what does that mean?
3 at 7, 2 at 8, 1 at 9, fist at 10. (if they don't specify, ask if they want a C at 9:30)
is 6 the highest rank or the lowest?
a) dismiss everyone
b) keep everyone there and take points off for being 'late'
c) have everyone wait patiently for the final speaker to arrive
have everyone wait patiently for the final speaker to arrive
Youre sent a ballot to judge IMPV
What does that stand for?
Improvisational Acting
Youre sent a ballot to judge OO
What does that stand for?
original oratory
what events require verbal time signals?
a) all interpretation events
b) limited prep events (IMPV and IMP)
c) none
limited prep events (IMPV and IMP), but only during the prep period!
the round ends. what do you do?
a) wish everyone good luck in their rounds and dismiss them
b) tell everyone their ranks and feedback on the spot
wish everyone good luck in their rounds and dismiss them. NEVER TELL RANKS.
somebody runs over 10:30 sec. what does that mean for their rank?
a) nothing
b) they get last place for going overtime
c) they cannot get 1st, only 2nd and below
they cannot get 1st, only 2nd and below
Youre sent a ballot to judge INF
What does that stand for?
Informative Speaking
Youre sent a ballot to judge IMP
What does that stand for?
impromptu speaking
somebody in your improv/impromptu round asks for a three-four split. what does that mean?
a) 3 mins to prep, 4 mins to perform
b) 4 mins to prep, 3 mins to perform
4 mins to prep, 3 mins to perform
the round is over. what do you submit first?
ballots or ranks?
somebody uses a paper, and reads their speech off of there. what does that mean for their rank.
a) nothing. that's allowed.
b) you have to report them to Tabroom and get them disqualified
c) they get last in the round
you have to report them to Tabroom and get them disqualified. (if it's an info, they can obviously have their boards, but they can't be reading the whole speech off of a paper)
Youre sent a ballot to judge POI
What does that stand for?
(BONUS: this is a binder event. is this the one where they can move their feet? or not?)
program oral interpretation
Youre sent a ballot to judge OI
What does that stand for?
(BONUS: this is a binder event. is this the one where they can move their feet? or not?)
oral interpretation
a student asks to time themselves. what do you do?
a) say yes
b) politely say that you don't allow that
c) tell them to shut up and sit down
politely say you don't allow that
what is the FIRST thing you do when everyone gets into the round?
click start round!
you start the round by asking everyone to shut their phones off! a student doesn't listen and is on their phone in the middle of somebody's speech! do you:
a) disqualify them/give them last place
b) ask them to stop politely and write a note in the ballot being like "remember for future rounds not to be on your phone"
c) take points off their speech for it
ask them to stop politely and write a note in the ballot being like "remember for future rounds not to be on your phone"