One word that means both:
1. Small black animal that flies around at night
2. Wooden or metal stick used to hit a ball
What is a bat?
Another word for tired
What is sleepy?
This means the opposite of whisper
What is shout, yell, or scream?
This is the past tense of SIT
What is SAT?
Splat! "Oh, no!" thought Katie as she grabbed paper towels to clean up the mess. "I hope we have more!" She looked in the fridge and pulled out the carton. One left! Breakfast wasn't ruined after all.
What did Katie drop/clean up?
What is an egg?
One word that means both:
1. Something very hot, that can be used to provide warmth or cook food
2. When someone loses their job
What is fire?
Another word for difficult
What is hard?
This means the opposite of apart
What is together?
This is past tense of RUN
What is RAN?
The sun was shining down and Jack felt so thirsty. He could not wait to jump in the water to cool down. Good thing he remembered to put on sunscreen, because the sun felt extra strong today.
Where is Jack?
What is the beach/pool?
One word that means both:
1. where someone washes their hands
2. what happens when something falls to the bottom of a pool
What is sink?
Another word for afraid
What is scared?
This means the opposite of true
What is false?
This is the past tense of EAT
What is ATE
As Ellie walked home, she noticed the sky turning gray and felt a cold wind. Suddenly, tiny white flakes began to appear on the ground.
What is happening?
What is snow?
One word that means both:
1. something that is difficult
2. something that is not soft
What is hard?
What is wrong?
This means the opposite of full
What is empty?
(OR, What is hungry?)
What is SAW?
When Joe woke up and looked at his clock, he suddenly jumped out of bed. He rushed into the bathroom to brush his teeth and got dressed so quickly that he put on two different shoes.
What happened/why was he rushing?
What is, he overslept/his alarm did not go off, he was running late?
One word that means both:
1. staying calm without complaining
2. someone who is being cared for by a doctor, or in a hospital
What is patient?
Another word for alike
What is same?
This means the opposite of found
What is lost?
This is the past tense of WRITE
What is WROTE?
While lying in her sleeping bag under the open sky, Mia noticed tiny points of light shining far above her. They seemed to twinkle and form patterns. Mia wasn't used to sleeping like this, but really enjoyed it.
What was Mia doing?