The S in 'SAFER'.
What is specify?
The G in 'GAIN'.
What is glean?
What does the SAFER acronym help you to do?
What is GIVE constructive criticism?
Look at all these happy people drinking Coke.
You can be like them too.
What is bandwagon?
Nodding heads, smiles, and clapping are all examples of _____________________.
What is nonverbal feedback?
The A in 'SAFER'.
What is affirm?
The A in 'GAIN'.
What is accept?
The reference of the class verse
What is Colossians 4:6?
He wore blue pants.
That villain is wearing blue pants.
All people that wear blue are villains.
What is post hoc?
The most difficult audience to engage.
What is the apathetic audience?
The F in 'SAFER'.
What is focus?
The I in 'GAIN'.
What is implement?
The "N"ormalize concept of GAIN is very similar to what the Bible calls _____________________.
What is meditation?
What is 'begging the question' or circular reasoning?
The larger the room the more I should ____________.
What is speak louder?
The E in 'SAFER'.
What is empathize?
The N in 'GAIN'.
What is normalize?
The Bible says our speech should ALWAYS be with ___________.
What is grace?
The boy is standing next to a fallen tree. He must have chopped it down.
What is hasty generalization?
The age of the audience would determine how ___________ I would speak because of a variation in understanding and attention span.
What is the length of time?
The R in 'SAFER'.
What is respect?
Acronym for how YOU should handle constructive criticism of YOUR speaking.
What is GAIN?
This is why we should use gracious, salty speech
What is "to be able to give an answer to every man"?
The most common fallacy in political commercials.
What is namecalling?
Effective communicators have an introduction that gains the audience's interest, valid content and a definite __________________.
What is conclusion/end?