Danny was so hungry that for lunch he CONSUMED three sandwiches and a quart of milk.
What does consumed mean in this sentence.
What is ate?
What does this mean?
My emotions have been on a roller coaster.
My emotions keep going up and down and everywhere.
The class was all ears as the guest speaker began her presentation.
students were paying close attention and listening carefully as the guest speaker began her presentation.
A game used with a cue stick to hit balls into pockets.
a small area of still water, either formed naturally or man-made.
What is a pool?
Give me a drink, and I will die. Feed me, and I'll get bigger. What am I?
What is fire?
The boy CLAIMED that someone else broke the window but all the other children said it was him.
What does claimed mean?
What is said or stated?
What does this mean?
Penny is a nightingale. Everyone waited eagerly for her to come up on stage.
She sings really well!
My mom said this year we will have to tighten our belts and follow our budgets if we hope to go on the camping trip.
The family will need to cut back on spending and be careful with their money in order to afford the camping trip.
A flavored drink made from several different fruit juices.
To hit with the fist.
What is punch?
This has many rings, but no fingers. What am I?
What is a telephone
What is Saturn?
This situation is a CONUNDRUM that’s difficult to solve.
What does conundrum mean?
What is puzzle?
What does this mean?
My mom has a heart of gold.
My mom is really kind and nice.
When you get up on the wrong side of the bed, listening to music can make you feel better
means to wake up in a bad mood or be irritable or short-tempered for no obvious reason.
A young child.
A baby goat.
What is a kid?
I'm always on the dinner table, but you don't get to eat me. What am I?
What is a plate and/or silverware?
She hums CONTINUOUSLY and it annoys me.
What does continuously mean?
What is all the time without stopping?
What does this mean?
My friend's sister, Sharon, is a night owl.
She stays up late at night!
Her teacher said, "you have a heart of gold."
Someone who is very kind, generous, and caring towards others
On the side of a human body or of a thing that is to the west when the person or thing is facing north.
Past tense for to 'go away from'
What is left?
What is yours but mostly used by others?
What is your name?
The crime he committed was EGREGIOUS; he'll never recover from this horrendous scandal.
What does egregious mean?
What is extremely bad?
What does this mean?
My hands were icicles because of the cold weather.
My hands feel super cold.
The new game cost an arm and a leg, so I had to use all of my baby-sitting money to buy it.
something is very expensive
To be able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious
A person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.
What is patient?
A cowboy rode into town on Friday. Three days later, he left on Friday. How is that possible?
Friday is the name of the horse.