What's another word for "happy"
Excited, glad, joyful
What's the opposite of 'asleep'?
Name 4 fruits
Apple, orange, banana, strawberry, raspberry, kiwi, pear, blueberry, grapes, pineapple, mango
How are a pencil and pen the same?
How are a pencil and pen different?
Same: Use it to write/do your schoolwork
Different: Pen uses ink =; you can erase with a pencil
I am a yellow fruit you have to peel. If you take too long to eat me, I turn brown.
What's another word for "kid"?
What's the opposite of "funny"?
Name 4 vegetables
Carrots, green beans, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce, broccoli, corn, collard greens, peas, eggplant, spinach
Whats the same about an elephant and a giraffe?
What's different about an elephant and a giraffe?
Same: found in a zoo, large animals
Different: Elephants have a large nose, Giraffes have a long neck; Giraffes are orange and elephants are gray
I'm the tallest animal in the world because of my long neck. I have spots and I love to eat leaves off of trees.
What's another word for 'quick'?
What's the opposite of "multiply"?
Name 4 pets
Dog, cat, bird, hamster, guinea pig, fish, snake, lizard
How are a computer and TV the same?
How are a computer and TV different?
Same: Electronics; use for entertainment
Different: Search things up and have school on the computer.
I am hot.
I live in the sky.
I am bright.
Don't look straight at me.
I disappear in the night.
The sun
What's another word for "sloppy"?
What's the opposite of "calm"?
Upset, erratic
Name 4 school subjects
Math, ELA, History, Art, Gym, Science, Civics
How are Fall and Winter different?
Same: Both are seasons; need jackets
Different: Winter is colder and has snow. In Fall the leaves change colors, in Winter the leaves fall off the trees.
I am in your body.
I am red.
I am the symbol for love.
Blood pumps through me.
Please don't break me.
What's another word for "build"?
Make, create, assemble
What is the opposite of 'afraid'?
Brave, courageous, bold
Name 4 sports
Basketball, baseball, soccer, football, track, hockey, gymnastics, volleyball, golf, wrestling
How is online school and in person school the same?
How is online school and in person school different?
Same: Teachers, classes, homework, assignments.
Different: Home vs. school building
I come in a pair.
You have to tie and untie me.
Don't go outside without me.
Take me off before you go in the water.
I come in a very useful box.