Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea?
1. Sponge bob 2. Patrick
Who is Sponge Bob Square Pants?
What does the the idiom "It's raining cats and dogs" mean?
1. Cats/dogs are falling from the sky
2. it is raining very hard
What is: It's raining really hard.
Name the parts of Morning meeting in order.
1. Hello, weather, flag and calendar facts
2. Hello, flag, calendar facts and weather
What is: Greetings
Month, Date and day of the week
What would happen if:
You were thirsty.
What is: I would get something to drink.
What would you say to start a conversation in the following scenario:
A new student has just entered school.
1. Dude, ugly shoes!
2. Hi, my name is_____. Welcome to Skylands School.
What is: Hi, I'm (name)?
What 4 materials do we use most in art?
1. Markers, glue, paper and scissors
2. Crayons, tape, wiggly eyes and paper
What are: glue, scissors, paper and markers
What does the underlined idiom mean?
I think Bob got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
1. Bob is in a bad mood
2. Bob was sleeping in the wrong place on his bed
What is : Bob is in a "bad mood"
Which is the last thing you do when you brush your teeth?
1.Put toothpaste on your toothbrush 2.Rinse your mouth
What is: Rinse your mouth
What would happen if:
You left the tub running
1. it would run away 2. it would overflow
What is : it would overflow
What would you say to start a conversation in the following scenario:
You meet two of your neighbors while walking around the block.
1. "Hi, how are you?"
2. Please stay away from me!
What is: "Hi how are you?"
What animal hops, has fur and long ears?
1. a frog 2. a rabbit
What is a rabbit
What does the underlined idiom mean?
This math is a "piece of cake"
1. It's a sweet treat 2. It's super easy
What is: This math
What is the first thing you should do when someone comes to visit?
1. Go say Hi 2. run and hide
What is: Go and say Hi
What would happen if: your alarm clock did NOT go off in the morning
1. I would be late for school 2. I would stay in bed
What is: I would be late
What would you say to start a conversation in the following scenario:
Your grandmother has come for a visit.
1. Your here again, ugh!
2. I am so happy to see you, I have missed you"
What is: "I am so happy to see you. I have missed you"
What 3 animals did we see on our Sea World trip?
What is: Shamu (Orca), sea lions/seals and dolphins.
What does the underlined Idiom mean?
I have butterflies in my stomach.
1. I am very nervous
2. I swallowed butterflies
What is: "I am nervous"
Name the main steps you take to make popcorn (microwave).
1. Open the package, put in microwave, push start button and wait for the microwave to ding.
2. Rip open the package and throw it into the microwave. Take it our while the microwave is
still running
What is:
Open the package, put in microwave, push start button and wait for the microwave to ding.
What would happen if:
The temperature drops to 20 degrees after a rainstorm .
What is: anything wet will freeze to
What would you say to start a conversation in the following scenario:
Your best friend just got picked to do the solo in the school music concert.
1. You are going to be the best
2. You just got lucky today that they picked you
What is: "You are going to be the best"
What has 4 wheels, is long and you have to stand ride it?
1. Bicycle
2. Skateboard
3. Snow tube
What is a Skateboard
What does the underlined Idiom mean?
Our new TV cost us an arm and a leg.
1. Expensive
2. give away your arm and your leg
What is: expensive
Name the main steps in making cookies.
1. open the cookie dough and eat it from the package
2. get your ingredients: cookie mix, eggs and water or milk, mix it all in a bowl,
place on cookie sheet and put in oven, cook till finished
What is : 1. get your ingredients: cookie mix, eggs and water or milk
2. mix it all in a bowl
3. place on cookie sheet and put in oven
4. cook till finished
What will happen:
Lila was excited about the field trip. She grabbed her backpack and headed to the bus stop. Lila thought about what the teacher had told them to do. She had packed her lunch. She was wearing comfortable shoes. She even had a snack to share. Suddenly, Lila remembered the field trip form that Dad had signed. Without the form, she wouldn't be able to go on the field trip. Was it in her backpack, or had she left it at home?
1. Lila goes to school and then looks or the field trip form.
2. Lila checks her backpack for her field trip form before she leaves for school.
What is: Lila checks her backpack for her field trip form before she leaves for school.
What would you say to start a conversation in the following scenario:
You accidentally broke your brother's favorite game.
1. You play to much anyway.
2. I'm sorry, it was an accident. I will buy you a new one.
3. I'm sorry, but did you really need it anyway?
What is: "I am sorry, it was an accident" or "I will buy you a new one."