What song is sung before most baseball games in the USA begin?
The Star Spangled Banner
Who lives in the White House
The President
Which pedal stops a car?
Name 3 places where you find more children than adults...
Playground, skating rink, birthday party, swimming pool, school, etc
What is the opposite of tiny?
Huge, gigantic, big
What movie features a girl named Dorothy, a scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion?
The Wizard of Oz
What body organ is used for breathing?
What does a red light mean?
Name 2 jobs that are done with gloves on...
Doctor, nurse, chef, investigator
What is the opposite of healthy?
Which famous singer is nicknamed "Swifty?"
Taylor Swift
What is a baby kangaroo called?
What do you use to wipe the rain and snow off the windshield?
Windshield wipers
candy, bad report cards, broken items, etc
What is the opposite of give?
What color is Ariel's hair in The Little Mermaid?
What do you call the outer covering of a tree?
What tells you how fast you’re going?
Name 3 things that can be found in a restaurant...
People, menus, tables/chairs, waiters/waitresses, etc.
What is the opposite of dangerous?
At the end of the season, the best football teams compete in one game, called what?
Super Bowl
What does a baseball player wear to catch the ball?
What does a yellow light mean?
Caution, slow down.
Name 3 fruits that have seeds or pits...
What is the opposite of polite?