Main Idea
Context Clues
Root Words

What is the definition of Main Idea? 

Tells you what the story is mainly about. 


What does it mean to make an inference? 

Making an inference means reading or seeing clues that help you figure out what is not being stated. 


The girl was apprehensive about walking home alone at night.

What does apprehensive mean?

Anxious or fearful



What is the prefix and what does it mean?

Prefix = multi

Definition = many (languages) 


Where did the Olympic games originate? 



What is the definition of Supporting Details? 

Sentences that support or describe the main idea


My family home is surrounded by woods. We also raise honeybees. This spring some of our honeybee hives were destroyed. 

What can you infer?

An animal from the woods most likely destroyed the honey bee hives (i.e., deer, raccoon, squirrel, etc.)


The police put up barricades on the street for the street fair. 

What does barricades mean?

A barrier



What is the prefix and what does it mean?

Prefix = in 

Definition = not (complete)


Who wrote a famous diary while hiding from Nazis?

Anne Frank 


Julia loves to play games. Her favorite is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. She also enjoys board games that are based on luck or games that require luck and skill such as monopoly. Lastly, she enjoys action video games as long as they aren’t too violet. 

What is the main idea?

The main idea is that Julia enjoys playing a variety of games.


I was late to my volleyball game today. My mom and I had to pull over multiple times to make phone calls and I had to go into a convenience store to ask for help. By the time we got there, my team was done warming up. 

What can you infer?

I can infer that they were lost. They made phone calls to call someone for directions.


The acrobat performed incredible contortions.

What does contortions mean?

Twisted shape or position



What is the prefix and what does it mean?

Prefix = sub

Definition = under (water)


How many teeth does a human have? 



The lack of gravity in space makes even simple tasks a challenge. Astronauts have to wear boots that hold their feet to the floor so that they can walk around. Eating is a real chore. Dried and frozen foods are stored in plastic bags. To eat chicken soup, the astronauts cut a hold in one end of the bag and squeeze the soup into their mouths. 

What is the main idea? 

The main idea is that easy tasks are difficult in space. 


Martin Scorsese is a director of astonishing power and Gangs of New York is a movie of astonishing imagination, ambition, and scope. The first fifteen minutes are as dazzling as any image ever put onto screen. The rest of the movie veers from brilliant to flawed, but it is unfailingly powerful. 

What will be the reviewers final opinion on the movie?

The reviewer will give the movie a positive review.


The flash of lightning illuminated the house.

What does illuminate mean?

 To brighten or make visible



What is the suffix and what does it mean?

Suffix = ology

Definition = the study of (stars)


Where is the Eiffel Tower?

Paris, France


There is a common belief that while the dog is man’s best friend, the coyote is his worst enemy. The bad reputation of the coyote traces back to his fondness for small animals; he hunts at night and is particularly destructive to sheep, young pigs, and poultry. Yet it is sometimes wise to encourage coyotes. Provided valuable farm animals are protected, the coyote will often free the property of other animals, like rabbits, which are ruinous to crops and certain trees. He is especially beneficial in keeping down the rodent population. Where coyotes have been allowed to do their work, ranchers and fruit growers have found them so valuable that they enjoyed them being around as much as their dog. 

Coyotes can be beneficial/valuable to farmers. 


Olivia is practicing her flute. She keeps checking the time and staring at her neighbors playing baseball. 

What can you infer?

Olivia doesn’t want to practice her flute and would rather be outside.


I put my clothes in the wash and afterwards I has a pristine white shirt. 

What does pristine mean?

Clean and fresh as if new



What is the prefix and what does it mean?

Prefix = re

Definition = (write) again


How many feet was the biggest carrot ever grown?

14 feet
