Reference Point/Speed
Average Speed
Speed Calculations
Mics. Speed
Stationary Point that allows an observer to see changes in motion because the distance between it and the object changes. What is this called?
What is a reference point?
Define motion.
Objects are in in motion when their distance changes from a reference point.
What is the definition of average speed?
What is the rate that an object travels a distance over time.
Zhane walks 10 km in 2 hours what is the rate that she is traveling or how fast is she walking? Show your answer in km/hr. and show your calculations.
10 km / 2 hrs = 5 km/hour
In this problem, report the distance and time. Alejandro rides his bike at an incredible speed! The travels 360 km in 6 hours. What is the distance in this problem________? What is the time _________?
Time 6 hours Distance 360 km
Give two examples of reference points (other than what is on the whiteboard) that we use to determine the motion of a person walking in our classroom.
What are the desks, walls, ceiling, other students, marks on the floor, chairs, stools, etc.
Define motion by using an example . . . . .
We can see that a car is moving because there are stationary points along the roadway outside of the car that are not moving.
When Deyon turns 27 yrs old he becomes a NASCAR driver. He is driving the Cheerios car. He travels 1080 km in just over 5.5 hours. What is his speed? Speed = distance divided by time
1080 km / 5.5 hours = 196.3 km/hour
Nick can run very fast he runs 91 meters in exactly 4 seconds. What is his average speed when running 91 meters? Report your answer to the nearest hundredth and remember the units!
What is 91 meters divided by 4 seconds = 22.75 meters/second.
Alyssa is moving out west and needs to figure out time and distance so she can figure out how long it will take her to move from Blackwood NJ to Los Angeles, CA. Her trip will take her some 4820 km. Her average speed is 56 km/hour. What is the distance in this problem__________? What is her average speed per hour ___________?
Distance 4820 km Average Speed __________56 km/hr
A toy car travels a distance of 530 cm in just over 1.5 seconds. What is the average speed of the car traveling this distance? Formula for Speed = Distance/Time Report your answer in hundredths! Do not forget the units.
530 cm divided by 1.5 seconds = 353.33 cm/sec
Sara rides her bike 30 km in 3.75 hours. What is her average speed in kilometers per hour?
30 km / 3.75 hours = 8 km/hr
Alyssa is moving out west and needs to figure out time and distance so she can figure out how long it will take her to move from Blackwood NJ to Los Angeles, CA. Her trip will take her some 4820 km. Her average speed is 56 km/hour. How would you figure out how long it will take her to get to California in hours? Write it down in whole numbers!!!
4820 km / 56 km/hr = 86 hours
km/sec, meters/sec, cm/sec, km/hr can all represent?
What is average speed?
If a marble moves down a track that is 375 cm and it takes 1.76 seconds. What is the average speed of the marble in cm/sec? Report to the nearest hundredth.
375 cm / 1.76 seconds = 213.07 cm/second
Missy rides her bike 105 km in 4 hours. What is her average speed? Report your answer to the nearest tenth. Do not forget the units! Is she riding fast or slow?
105 km / 4 hours = 26.3 km/hour Fast or slow?
Formula for Distance = Speed x Time. Formula for Time = Distance/Speed. An airplane flies with constant speed of 800 km/hour. How long will it take to travel a distance of 1600 km? Write down the proper formula for this problem?
Formula for Time = Distance/Speed
A marble travels down a tube that is 600 cm long. It takes the marble 3 seconds to travel the entire length of the tube. What is the average speed of the marble in cm/sec? Report your answer to the nearest whole number.
600 cm / 3 seconds = 200 cm/sec
Jaden is walking 1000 km next week. He expects to walk 5 km/hour. How much time will it take him to travel 1000 km? Report your answer to the nearest tenth. Formula Time = Distance/Speed. Estimate how many days it will take him to walk 1000 km at 5 km/hr
1000 km / 5 km/hr = 200 hours 8.3 days
Tyler releases a toy are on a track that is 530 cm in length. The car takes 4.88 seconds to move to the end of the track. What is the average speed of the car? Report in hundredths. Formula for Speed = Distance/Time
530 cm / 4.88 seconds = 108.61 cm/sec
A toy car travels 500 cm down a 530 cm track. The time at 500 cm was recorded as 2 seconds. What is the average speed of the car at 500 cm on the track? Speed formula = distance / time Report your answer to the nearest tenth. What are the units?
500 cm divided by 2 seconds = 250 cm/sec
Formula for Distance = Speed x Time. Formula for Time = Distance/Speed. An airplane flies with constant speed of 800 km/hour. How long will it take to travel a distance of 1600 km? Calculate the time. Report the time in hundredths. Do not forget the units.
1600 km / 800 km/hour = 2 hours
A toy car travels 6000 cm over 7.3 seconds. What it the average speed that the toy car is traveling? Report to the nearest tenth. Formula for Speed = Distance / Time Is this car moving fast or slow?
6000 cm / 7.3 seconds = 821.9 cm/sec
A toy car is moving at a constant speed of 10 cm/sec. How far will it travel in 360 seconds? Formula Distance = Speed x Time.
10 cm/second x 360 seconds = 36 cm