Alfred is Batman's butlor.
Spelled incorrectly - should be b-u-t-l-e-r
Kingpin is doing business with lots of criminals.
Spelled correctly
The mutants shouldn't feel bad that they're different.
Spelled correctly
I hear that something happened in Budapest.
Spelled correctly
Of corse the Joker would come up with such a crazy plan!
Spelled incorrectly- spelled c-o-u-r-s-e
Namor is one of the Chiefs of his underwater city.
Spelled correctly
Twoface's ailment is permanent.
Spelled correctly!
Red Hood was defenite that he would fight alongside Batman and win.
Spelled incorrectly - should be d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e
Starlord does not dissapoint with his dance skills.
Spelled incorrectly - should be d-i-s-a-p-p-o-i-n-t
Your never gonna guess who Batman is!
Spelled incorrectly - should be y-o-u' r-e
Magneto's faverite place to vacation is away from Professor X.
Spelled incorrectly - should be f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e
Sometimes superheroes have the coolest cloths, like Magician Zatana!
Spelled incorrectly - should be c-l-o-t-h-e-s
Doc Ock was angry when her experiment failed.
Spelled correctly
Black Widow recently returned to her family.
Spelled correctly
During the day, Batman is Bruce Wayne.
Spelled correctly
No, nothing can stop Superman!
Spelled correctly
There are more than fourty heroes in DC comics.
Spelled incorrect - should be f-o-r-t-y
THe Justice League not only protects multiple countrys, but they protect the universe as well!
Spelled incorrectly-- spelled c-o-u-n-t-r-i-e-s
Superman and Batman got into a bad argument today.
Spelled correctly
There the Joker goes, boosting about his newest scheme!
Spelled incorrectly - should be b-o-a-s-t-i-n-g
The Avengers have a plan for every ocassion.
Spelled incorrectly - should be o-c-c-a-s-i-o-n
Hulkcrusher just went threw the building.
Spelled incorrectly - spelled t-h-r-o-u-g-h
The Flash is no help if he is stationry.
Spelled incorrectly- spelled s-t-a-t-i-o-n-a-r-y
Even superheroes get sad, so don't feel bad if one of them crys.
Spelled incorrectly - should be c-r-i-e-s
Taking a break from saving the world was a plesant change for the heroes.
Spelled incorrectly - should be p-l-e-a-s-a-n-t
Maybe Thanos only needed a freind.
Spelled incorrectly - should be f-r-i-e-n-d
Spiderman takes every opportunity to study for his classes.
Spelled correctly
I don't think there are any Principle superheroes.
Spelled incorrectly- spelled p-r-i-n-c-i-p-a-l
Loki is inocent till proven guilty.
Spelled incorrectly - should be i-n-n-o-c-e-n-t
Dose Spiderman make his own webbing or does he create it with science?
Spelled incorrectly - should be d-o-e-s
Spiderman is an excelent crimefighter.
Spelled incorrectly - should be e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t
Aunt May believes in Miles Morales.
Spelled correctly
Xavier's profesion is teaching young mutants to control their powers.
Spelled incorrectly - should be p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n
Do you know you're heroes?
Spelled incorrectly - should be y-o-u-r
Modern superhero comics are much more fun than the orignal comics.
Spelled incorrectly-- spelled o-r-i-g-i-n-a-l
Superheroes need large complexs to run their crime fighting organizations.
Spelled incorrectly - should be c-o-m-p-l-e-x-e-s
Joker has a bad temperament when things don't go his way.
Spelled correctly
Even superheroes need medicine sometimes.
Spelled correctly
I recommend that you dont make the Hulk angry.
Spelled correctly
A race between the Flash and Superman is like the Tortoise and the Hair.
Spelled incorrectly- spelled h-a-r-e
Thankfully Ironman doesn't need any moters in his suit.
Spelled incorrectly - should be m-o-t-o-r
In the dark recesses of the sewer, Killer Croc hides!
Spelled correctly
It was convenent that Peter Parker always was able to get photos of Spiderman.
Spelled incorrectly; should be c-o-n-v-e-n-i-e-n-t
Captain America's opinon started a civil war.
Spelled incorrectly - should be o-p-i-n-i-o-n
The Super Serum was a sucess!
Spelled incorrectly - should be s-u-c-c-e-s-s
Doc Ock needs to no her science to control her arms.
Spelled incorrectly- spelled k-n-o-w
Hulk must wey a ton!
Spelled incorrectly- spelled w-e-i-g-h
It takes months to rebuild after a alien attack.
Spelled correctly
In the excitement of helping the stray, Nightwing got bit by a scared puppy.
Spelled correctly
Sandman does not want to loose any of his peices.
Spelled incorrectly - should be p-i-e-c-e-s
You cant be a sidekick until you're old enough.
Spelled correctly
You could say Sandman is a little course.
Spelled incorrectly - should be c-o-a-r-s-e
Spiderman always pays a complment, villian or not.
Spelled incorrectly-- spelled c-o-m-p-l-e-m-e-n-t
Everyone trys their best to make the right decision.
Spelled incorrectly - should be t-r-i-e-s
Ironman is only Tony Stark without his suit or equpment.
Spelled incorrectly - should be e-q-u-i-p-m-e-n-t
I would take extreme cauton around the Human Torch.
Spelled incorrectly - spelled c-a-u-t-i-o-n
Flash's apetite is never filled!
Spelled incorrectly - should be a-p-p-e-t-i-t-e
Ivy can make a garden of poisonous flours grow.
Spelled incorrectly - should be f-l-o-w-e-r-s
Raven likes to paint with acrilics to express her feelings.
Spelled incorrectly - should be a-c-r-y-l-i-c-s
Comic books have the best storys, better than the movies.
Spelled incorrectly - should be s-t-o-r-i-e-s