

Compare a phone to a computer

While laptop computers are usually light and portable by design, they can't compete with smartphones in this regard. Smartphones are lightweight and can fit in a purse or pocket.


Compare a Book to a Airplane

A book is to read and a airplane is what you can travel in


Compare a dog to a cat

Cats are more independent and are generally cheaper and less demanding pets. Dogs are loyal and obedient but require more attention and exercise, including regular walks.


Contrast lightness to the brightness

Lightness is perceived reflectance, brightness is perceived luminance.


Contrast Science and Math

Sciences seek to understand some aspect of phenomena, and are based on empirical observations, while mathematics seek to use logic to understand and often prove relationships between quantities and objects which may relate to no real phenomena.


Contrast a red apple with a green apple

The main difference between Red Apples and Green Apples is that red color apples are that the taste of red apples is sweet and juicy with the thinness in the peel of the skin.


Difference between subjective and objective

Anything objective sticks to the facts, but anything subjective has feelings. Objective and subjective are opposites


Difference between glasses and contacts

Eyeglasses sit on the bridge of a person's nose and do not touch the eyes, while contact lenses sit directly on the eyes. Wearers can switch their contact lenses daily or wear them for more extended periods before removing them to clean.


Difference between alligator and crocodile

The main thing to remember is that alligators and crocodiles are different species. They can be identified by their jaw shape, size, and color. Alligators are dark green or black, have u-shaped snouts, tiny black spots, and are smaller than crocs. Crocodiles are bigger, have v-shaped snouts, and are more aggressive.


Similarities between China and Australia

Both countries are actively engaged economically, culturally, and politically which spans numerous organizations such as APEC, East Asia Summit, and the G20. China is Australia's largest trading partner and has invested in Australian mining companies.


Similarities between school and homeschool

Similarities between online learning and traditional learning environments are: Both online learning and traditional learning require a great amount of work. Giving and receiving feedback is important in both environments. Assignments are a huge part of the learning experience.


Similarities between dna and rna

Both are made up of five carbon- pentose sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous bases. Both are polynucleotide chains made up of a single nucleotide unit or monomers. Both biomolecules are synthesized by the polymerase enzyme. Practically, both DNA and RNA can be precipitated using alcohol.


Difference between leasing and financing a car

Leasing is like renting a car for a fixed term. You make monthly payments and at the end of the term you return the car and start the process over again with a new car. Financing a car means buying it with the help of an auto loan. You make monthly payments and once the loan is paid back you own the car.


Difference between race and ethnicity

“Race” is usually associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics such as skin color or hair texture. “Ethnicity” is linked with cultural expression and identification. However, both are social constructs used to categorize and characterize seemingly distinct populations.


Difference between ice cream and gelato

Similar to ice cream, gelato is made from a custard base of milk, cream, and sugar. The difference lies in the proportions of each with gelato having more milk (and less cream) compared to ice cream. Gelato also doesn't usually contain egg yolks the way that ice cream does.
