Energy & Momentum
Gravitational, Electric and Magnetic Fields
The Wave Nature of Light
Modern Physics

This is how I can find the velocity of an object from a displacement-time graph.

What is the slope of a displacement-time graph?


This type of collision conserves momentum but not kinetic energy.

What is an inelastic collision?


These forces are known as "inverse square-law" forces.

What are the electric force and gravitational force?


This physicist's experiment proved that Huygen's wave model of light described light's behaviour more accurately than Newton's particle model of light.

Who is (Thomas) Young?


Two people are in a spaceship traveling at 85% light speed. In their point of view, the spaceship is 100 m long. This is how long it appears to observers from Earth.

What is 53 m?


The value of this quantity is zero when solving projectile motion problems.

What is acceleration in the x-direction.


What is the y-component of velocity at the top of the object's path.


These two quantities are reciprocals of one another.

What are frequency and period?


The electric field at a distance of 1.0 m from a charged sphere is 100 N/C. At this EXACT distance from the sphere, the electric field be 50 N/C.

What is root 2 meters?


If a thin film naturally produces destructive interference and you want constructive interference, you need to set the film thickness "t" (not 2t) equal to this.

What is 

t = (m + 1/2)*lambda*(1/2)



The kinetic energy of an electron is 8 x 10^(-18) J. This is the electron's deBroglie wavelength.

What is 1.74 x 10^(-10) m?


You never draw this force on a free-body diagram (FBD).

What is net force? 

(centripetal force is a special case of net force, so only saying centripetal force will not be accepted).


In this frame of reference, explaining an object's behaviour requires the use of a fictitious force.

What is a non-inertial reference frame?


This is the amount of kinetic energy obtained by a 5 C charge as it moves from a position of 12 V electric potential to a position of 4 V.

What is 40 J?


A piece of hair is separating two glass plates, creating a wedge. Light of 600 nm wavelength is incident on the glass. Zero intensity light is at the point of contact of the two plates, followed by eight alternating dark and bright fringes. This is the thickness of the hair.

What is 2.4 x 10^(-6) m?


This is the name of the medium that scientists believed light traveled through for many years.

What is the ether?


This property of matter is the reason we have fictitious forces.

What is inertia?


In a rotating spacestation, artificial gravity is produced by this force (be specific).

What is the normal force.

(centripetal force not accepted).


When a conductor is carrying a current, there will be no force acting on it when the conductor is placed at this angle relative to an external magnetic field.

What is 0 (or 180) degrees?


This type of opening that light goes through produces an interference pattern on a screen that has very defined bright spots, with large dark gaps in between.

What is a diffraction grating?


This statement tells us that the speed of light does not change based on reference frame.

What is Einstein's 2nd postulate?


A person going upwards in an elevator has reached their top floor. This is how they sense their weight relative to normal when the elevator slows down to reach the floor.

What is feeling lighter?


An object is in uniform circular motion with speed "v" and centripetal force "F". This is the new value of "F" when the radius of the path is halved and the velocity is kept the same.

What is 2F?


A current flows in a conductor from east to west. This is the direction of the magnetic field field at a point above the conductor.

What is north?

When light reflects off a road surface or water, it is mainly polarized in this direction.

What is parallel to the reflecting surface?


This principle states that you cannot know the exact velocity and position of a particle at the same time.

What is Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?
