Walrein can struggle to break other water type pokemon, because it does not gain access to this ice type move.
What is Freeze-Dry
This psychic protosythesis mon can easily tank a mega beedrill poison jab.
Who is Scream Tail.
What flying move can charizard not learn in gen 1 that does not make any sense?
What is fly.
What is walreins new ability in Rad Red?
Who owns SGBL?
Spheal and Gible (either is correct)
Mega Pidgeot struggles to break steel types because it can not use this fighting type move.
What is Focus Blast
This bug type ultraBeast can take a plus 2 attack adamant mega blazeiken flare blitz with an occa berry. What pokemon is this?
Who is Buzzwole.
+2 252+ Atk Blaziken-Mega Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Occa Berry Buzzwole: 288-339 (68.8 - 81.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Who was the first starter pokemon to be sent to ubers?
Who is blaziken.
What is one psychic move Jynx gained in Radical Red?
Psystrike, Psycho Boost, and Freezing Glare.
Who won the first Jeapordy Frank did?
Who is SPheal
Rapidash-Galar is a bad physical attacker due to its only fire move being what?
What is mystical Fire?
This Fire Fighting type can always tank a kyogre scarf surf with a pasho berry
Who is Emboar
Charizard and typhlosion are the only two starters that can learn this powerful special fire type attacking move.
What is inferno
Who are all the Pokémon that gained the new ability Fatal precision?
Who is Seviper, Drampa,Heatmor,Eelektross
Who was the most broken Mega allowed in Rad red in SGBL?
Who is mega-pinsir
Blizzard, Lovely Kiss, Psychic, Rest. What Pokémon Ran this set in competitive?
Who is Jynx?
This is the strongest fire type move kartana can tank from charizard without an occa berry. (neutral Nature)
What is Blaze Kick.
252 Atk Charizard Blaze Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Kartana: 252-300 (78.2 - 93.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
All pokemon gained hidden abilties in gen 5, which starters hidden ability was changed in gen 9? What was the old ability, what was the new one, and who is the pokemon?
Who is Empoleon, Defiant-Competitive
The leek item is a staple of the farfetched line. What does the item do for both Farfetched and for Sirfetched?
Farfetched, +1 Crit, 1.5 speed multiplier,
Sirfetched +2 crit, no speed boost
What was the first division names in SGBL season 1? What was the order of the divisions?
Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein
Regices has some Strong moves but typically doesnt run some of them. The strongest 4 moves are, Normal, fighting, electric and Ice type moves. What are those 4 moves?
What are Hyper beam, Focus Blast, Zap cannon, Blizzard.
What first stage gen 1 water pokemon that is typically useless, can easily tank a zeraora plasma fist (neutral nature no item on zeraora)
Who is Magikarp
Every fire type starter learns this ground type move except one. What is the move and which starter is it?
Who is Cinderace. What is Earthquake.
This not fully evolved has corrosion, but its evolution does not. Who is this pokemon?
Who is ekans.
Which season of SGBL did the owners post the greatest video ever? Also describe the video.
SGBL season 3. Gible vs Spheal in the tourney of power.