What time is our class?
What is 2:40PM?
What block is used to make the Sphero move?
What is a roll block?
What is the letter A in morse code?
What is .- ?
Describe the steps of Art Bot.
Point to where the Sphero BOLTS belong.
What is the blue box?
What time does our class end?
What is 3:40PM?
What block is used to make the Sphero change color?
What is N in morse code?
What is -. ?
Describe the steps of Sphero Bees.
Name all the Jellyfish Letters of your team.
How many surveys do we take each Sphero season?
What is 3?
What block is used to animate on the square of the Sphero?
Spell "CAT" in morse code.
What is -.-. / .- / - ?
Describe the steps of Building Bridges.
How do you make the Sphero point a certain way to roll it correctly?
Spell your supervisor's name!
What is A-L-B-A-N-Y?
What block is used to make the Sphero make sounds?
What is the sound block?
Spell "DOG" in morse code.
What is -.. / --- / --. ?
Describe the steps for My Story with Sphero.
What are the names of the two classmates you had that had to leave this class recently?
What is Alexair and Nick?
What are the three light blocks used for disco earthquake?
What is Main, Front, and Back LEDs?
Spell your name in morse code.
Describe how to log in AND log out of your Sphero Account on your iPads.
So Smart!
Name all the blocks we have learned to code the Sphero.
What is roll block, light block, sound block, & matrix animation block?