HRD and the Organization
Key Legislation/ Organizational Development Initiatives
Adult Learning/
Training and Development
Talent Management/
Developing Leaders
Performance Management
a set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with the necessary skills and/or competencies to meet current and future job demands.
What is "Human Resource Development?" 3-4 (tell me about how to strategically align HRD and what it means to lik training to business goals?)
a form of protection provided by the U.S. government to authors of "original works" to prevent others from printing or otherwise dulipcating, distributing, or vending copies of their literary, artistic, and other creative expressions.
What is "copyright?" 3-20 (When is something considered to be protected under copyright laws?) (who owns a copyright?)
the discipline that studies how adults learn.
What is "andragogy?" 3-52 (What is the term for children? What are the differences between adult and children?)
refers to the development and integration of HR processes that attract, develop, engage, and retian the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees that will meet current and future business needs.
What is "talent management?" 3-116 (how can organizations develp and support successful talent management programs)
Category, comparative, narrative
What are "appraisal methods" 3-170-173 (explain what is involved in each)
1. Systems thinking, 2. mental models, 3. personal mastery, 4. Team learning, 5. shared vision
What are "the five disciplines of a learning organization?" 3-6 (What is a learning organization and define what each of the 5 disciplines are?"
the provision of the U.S. Copyright Act that allows the use of copyrighted work in certain circumstances.
What is "Fair use?" 3-23 (what are the guidelines?" (what are the five factors that fair use depends on)
Decreasing returns, increasing returns, s-shaped curve, plateau curve
What are "examples of common learning curves?" 3-57 (Explain them and give an example of how they might be used?)
1. Occupational Preparation 2. Organizational entry 3. Early career establishment 4. Mid career 5. Late career
What is "a model of career development?" 3-123 (Explain the major tasks associated)
a method used when employees are rated and placed at different percentage points along a bell-shaped curve.
What is "forced distribution?" 3-172 (what is a limitation with this method)
certain types of learning activities or processes that may occur at any one of serveral levels in an organization.
What is "organizational learning?" 3-7 (Give me some examples of a culture that supports organizational learning?) (What are the three levels where organizational learning takes place?)
1. improve productivity, 2. improve peoples satisfaction with the quality of their work life, 3. improve the ability of the org. to revitalize and develop itself over time, 4. improve organizational processes and outputs
What are "the goals of organizational development" 3-32 (tell me how organizational culture ties in here)
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory, McClelland's Theory, Theory X and Y, Vrooms Expectancy Theory, Equity Theory, and Skinner's Behavioral Reinforcement Theory
What are "the Theories of Motivation" 3-60-3-66 (Explain them)
when organizations develop leadership talent and support their global vision by sending American employees abroad or by bringing international employees to work in the U.S.
What is "expatriation and repatriation?" 3-136 (Explain the difference and when you might do so)
the method designed to combat the problems of category rating by describing expamples of desireable and undesirable behavior.
What is "Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)" 3-174 (Explain)
refers to societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific reason.
What is "low context culture" 3-13 (what is the difference between low and high context cultures why does it matter?) (What are some Global Issues for HRD?)
1. Diagnose the environment 2. Develop an action plan 3. Evaluate the results
What are "states of OD Intervention Implementation? 3-35 Tell me about the activities at each stage. What are the 2 categories that OD theory can be divided into? Explain them both.
What is "Assessment, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation." 3-75 (Explain the ADDIE Model)
a behavioral leadership theory that uses two axes to describe leadership/management behavior.
What is "Blake-Mouton's Theory?" 3-151 (What are the 4 types of leaders in this theory? what are the other theories, explain them)
halo/horn effect, recency, primacy, bias, strictness, leniency, central tendency, contrast
What are "errors in performance Appraisals" 3-176-179 (explain each)
1. Think globally, 2. Appreciate culturual diversity, 3. Developing technological savvy, 4. building partnerships and alliances, 5. sharing leadership
What are "the five factors that are more imporatnat for global leadership in the future according to Goldsmith, Greenburg, Robertson and hu-Chan?" (is there a difference between competencies and core competencies?)
an illustration that depicts possible relationships between two variables - for instance to determeine if there is a relationship between years of education and amount of income?
What is "a scatter diagram?" 3-43 (What are the other quality control tools? Explain them)
Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Results
What are "the four levels of Kirkpatrick's training evaluation?" 3-104 (Explain how to measure them)
Perceiving emotion, using emotion to facilitate thought, understanding emotion, regulating emotion
What are "Slovey and Mayer's four branches of emotional intelligence?" 3-157 (what abilities go with these branches)
describe the behavior; don't judge it, assume an attitude of helpfulness rather than power and domination, empathize with the employee, give specific examples of good and substandard employee performance
What are "guidelines for giving feedback?" 3-180 (explain each)