Instrumentation needed for all scheduled procedures for an entire day are usually collected when?
The day or evening before they will be used. Pg. 8
The suffix -ectomy means?
The throat is also called?
Pharynx. Pg. 45
What bacteria is unable to survive without oxygen?
Anaerobic. Pg. 58
During handwashing, hands should be lathered and scrubbed for at least how long?
First step in the sterilization process is?
Cleaning. Pg. 4
The root hyster means?
uterus/ womb. Pg. 20
What is the brain center of a cell called?
Nucleus. Pg. 31
Microorganisms that cause disease are called?
Pathogens. Pg. 58
The decontamination area of SPD should have what kind of airflow?
Negative. Pg. 80
SP workflow should move from?
Soiled to clean. Pg. 3
What is the root word for joint?
Arthro. Pg. 20
What is the name of the procedure that removes the gallbladder?
Cholecystectomy. Pg. 48
The measure of alkalinity or acidity refers to?
pH. Pg. 62
Inanimate objects that can transmit bacteria are called?
Fomites. Pg. 81
HAI's occur on or after...
Day 3 of hospitalization. Pg. 11
The suffix -oscopy means?
Visual examination. Pg. 17
What muscles control involuntary movements?
Smooth. Pg. 36
Microorganisms capable of forming a thick wall around themselves are called?
Endospores/spores. Pg. 59
The absence of microorganisms that cause disease are called?
Asepsis. Pg. 73
SP workflow can be divided into the handling of which 3 categories of items?
Soiled, clean and sterile items. Pg. 3
Lithotripsy means?
Crushing of a stone. Pg. 21
The largest part of the human brain is?
Cerebrum. Pg. 38
What are the 3 common bacterial shapes?
Spherical, Rod, Spiral. Pg. 58
Temperature and humidity parameters can best be established by reviewing which document?