What was the main conclusion of the first study?
there is a direct association between self-reported predilection for spicy food and trait-aggression
What was the overall conclusion of the 2nd study?
consumption of spicy foods lead to more aggressive thoughts and greater perceived aggressive intent in others
What was the overall conclusion of study 3?
even mere exposure to visual or verbal stimuli may be sufficient to increase aggressive cognitions
social psychology
What kind survey did the researchers give the participants in study 1?
Self-reported survey
What kind of experiment was conducted for the 2nd study?
controlled experiment
What kind of experiment was conducted for study 3?
controlled experiment
What famous TV series was referenced in the article?
The Hot Ones
How many participants were in study 1?
105 participants
How many student volunteers were there in the 2nd study?
60 student volunteers
How many student volunteers were in study 3?
108 student volunteers
You are what you eat: an empirical investigation of the relationship between spicy food and aggressive cognition
What was the dependent variable of the linear regression made in study 1?
self-reported trait aggression
What kind of test did the researchers give the participants in study 2?
reading tests
What pictures would the student volunteers be shown in study 3?
pictures of spicy food
What is the name of the second researcher of the research paper?
Tanuka Ghoshal
What was the p-value of the linear regression for study 1?
p = 0.001
How many drops of habanero hot sauce would the participant have to ingest in study 2?
2 drops
What would a more aggressive word choice indicate for study 3?
increased aggressive cognition
What year was the research paper published?