Something for EVERYONE
Helping Hands
(Co-oping Duties)
A Spider’s Day
Special Events
Everything Else!

This phrase is our school philosophy and can be seen in action everyday in every room. (HINT: it can be independent, parallel, self-initiated, adult guided, and/or repetitive) 

What is ”learning through play”?


The time you should arrive when it is your turn to co-op. (The extra time allows for your spider to do special tasks and gives you time to help set up.) 

What is arrive in the classroom by 8:45? (Judges will also accept “arrive in the parking lot by 8:40”.)


A snack labeled with the name and date EVERY DAY, a water bottle, a bag or backpack, and sometimes a coat.

What are the things the children will need to bring to school each day?


The minimum number of times families should plan to chaperone/drive for a field trip.

What is 2?


These places are where you can find information about the classroom, including weekly newsletteres, plans, and calendars.

What is the class website and the bulletin board in the hallway?


Every school day, families will SIGN IN and SIGN OUT at these times.

BONUS: To allow our little ones to get used to the school routine, the first week will be dimissed at this time.

What is 9:00am during arrival (unless co-oping!) and 12:15pm for dismissal?

Bonus: What is 11:30am?


This is what must be done to the round tables both right before and right after snack. 

What is sprayed with bleach? 


In things that can get dirty/messy (since that is often part of playing and exploring) and in things that are appropriate for the weather since we go outside almost every day. 

How should I dress my preschooler (…and myself on co-oping days) for a day at preschool?


The handout with all of the special events Spider class families are invited to join in on. 

What is the ”Save the Dates” handout?


It is your co-op day, but your child is sick … or something has come up. This is what you do.

What is arrange a co-op swap? (Judges will also accept: “What is reach out to the class to ask for help?” or  “What is tell Mrs. Kuhn who you swapped with and write in on the hallway calendar?” 


Each child and co-oping adult will do this at these specified times: upon arrival; before eating/handling food; after blowing his/her nose (or helping a child do so); after touching sand/dirt or playing in water at the sensory table.

What is washing their hands?


Check the co-oper expectations that are posted (either the chart or the flip ring), look for the “co-oper to do” list at the start of the day, or ask Melissa (Mrs. Kuhn). 

What can I do as a co-oper when I’m not sure what is next?


This is what you can tell your child you will see them after (to use as an anchor since time is so abstract for young children).

What is the good-bye chant?


Classroom orientation, 8 week meeting, classroom clean up day (last week of school).

What are Spider class meetings/events that require at least 1 family representative to attend?


It’s time for a fire drill! This is what the co-oper grabs before heading to the end of the line.

What is the red emergency bag in the bathroom?


When you are taking photos or a video for SmugMug or when someone has stepped in for you to take an emergency call.  

What are the times it is okay to be on your phone while co-oping. 


Go through the cleaning checklist, send any photos to the teacher, sign out of Jovial, grab your keys/bag/purse.

What should a co-oper do at the end of the day?

This food item is never allowed at school in any form, and particularly in our classroom since we have a student who is allergic.

What are ”nuts of any kind”? (Judges will also accept “What are peanuts?”, but they would like to point out that the rule applies to ALL nuts.


We have special traditions like a birthday card station, toys and sensory bin items that only come out on birthdays, decorating our frame on the wall and adding a picture to it from our “patio party”. 

How do we celebrate birthdays in room 4?


Drive through slowly, counterclockwise and around the outside loop of the lot.  Park in a space that is around the safety path and use the safety path to walk up to the building.

What are the parking lot procedures?


When we overhear something personal a child says and we know that that information stays in the classroom, this is what we are adhering to.

What is the confidentiality agreement?


In a grown up’s hand or locked in a cabinet are the only places. 

What are where we can find the bleach in the classrooms?


They get to be the line leader, spend time 1:1 with the teacher to write a message before anyone else arrives, be first to pick where to play, lead special times of the day, bring a book for co-oper story time and have their family member come to class for the day. 

What are the special things your child gets to do on their co-oping day?


By helping to plan events that are extra “double co-oper“ days, by sharing a special holiday or family tradition, or by proposing a special activity to do with the class (ex: cooking project).

What are some ways families are invited to participate in special celebrations and/or projects?


1. We want our kids to have a whole community ready to support them (and because we want to be that community for others). 

2. We believe in learning through play and exploration.

3. Co-op people are pretty great. (I like to say co-op people are my people.)

What are some of the reasons we all chose to be part of this amazing co-op?
