DEFINE puddling. What industry was affected? How did it transform Britain?

A newly invented process for removing impurities from crude iron ("pig iron"). This resulted in better quality iron, which led to a boom in Britain's iron industry. Soon Britain produced more iron than the rest of the world combined.


3 things these 3 important ideologies (conservatism, nationalism, and liberalism) had in common

All three were 1) by-products of the French revolutionary era, 2) spread widely and 3) made an impact on world history.


What was the ROLE of nationalism in 19th-20th century history? That is, what did nationalism cause or encourage people to do?

Nationalism encouraged millions of people to seek their own nation-states.


What was the utopian socialist movement?

the utopian socialist movement was forerunner to communism; your book calls Karl Marx a "utopian socialist"


Talk about the causes and effects of how something like the increased number of railways would have had on the economy during the Industrial Revolution.

The need to transport coal and iron led to the need to build more railroads. Building railways led to more jobs for laborers and peasants. Less expensive transportation (aka, railway transport) led to lower-priced goods. Lower-priced goods led to more demand. More demand led to more production. More production led to more factories. More factories meant a need for more equipment....


3 important ideologies that emerged between 1800 and 1870 and played important roles in both nineteenth- and twentieth-century history

1.) conservatism, 2.) nationalism, and 3.) liberalism.


What was the ROLE of liberal and conservative ideas in 19th-20th century history? ? That is, what did liberal and conservative ideas provide?

Liberal and conservative ideas provided a framework for the political debates of the 19th century and beyond.


The Great Famine. What was it? Talk about what Ireland was like before, during, and after.

Famine had largely disappeared from Europe, except for in Ireland. Between 1781 and 1845, the Irish population doubled. But Ireland had an over-dependency on a single crop. The Great Famine was a series of failures of the potato crop in Ireland between 1845 and 1851. As a result, 1 million died and 2 million emigrated to the US and Britain. Of all the European nations, only Ireland had a declining population in the 19th century.


Who invented the steam engine? When? What was the significance? What industry was most affected? How did it transform Britain? 

 THE STEAM ENGINE WAS CRUCIAL TO BRITAIN'S INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. Scottish engineer James Watt invented it in the 1760s; it could pump water from mines 3 times faster than previous engines could. He then invented a rotary engine, so steam power could be used to spin and weave cotton. Soon, steam-powered cotton mills were found all over England, which dramatically increased cotton production, making cotton Britain's most valuable product.  Because of the steam engine, yarn prices were 1/20th of pre-Revolution prices, causing a massive surge in demand.


The Industrial Revolution was responsible for the transformation from an economy based ____________to an economy based on _________.

FROM an economy based on 1.) farming and handicrafts TO an economy 2) manufacturing by machines and industrial factories.


What was the ROLE of utopian socialism in 19th-20th century history? That is, what was utopian socialism a RESULT of or RESPONSE to?

Utopian Socialism was both a following of the French Revolution's extremist utopian ideals and a radical yet irrational response to some of the problems created by the Industrial Revolution.


The Factory Act of 1833. What was it? What was it like in factories? Talk about child labor.

A law that set minimum standards for hours and age of employment in Great Britain. Before that, children as young as 7 worked 12-15 hours per day, 6 days a week. But the Factory Act of 1833 set the minimum age as 9, and said that children between 8-13 could only work 8 hours a day; those between 13 and 18 could work 12 hours a day. It is important to note that families often pressured the factory to employ their children as workers. Work hours in general for adults ranged from 12-16 hours a day, 6 hours a week, in dangerously hot and cold conditions. Later, a law limited excessive hours for women.


3 specific reasons railroads were important to the success of the Industrial Revolution

1) provided cheap transportation, 2) supplied jobs, and 3) created a market for industrial products


The Industrial Revolution led to the emergence of these 2 new social classes

1.) the industrial middle class (which soon sought equality with the landowning classes) and 2.) the industrial working class.


CHAPTER 21 THEMES: 3 things industrial capitalism dramatically changed for people

1.) where people lived, 2.) how they worked, and 3.) how they related to the world around them.


Thinking Critically: In what ways must the growth of the industrial revolution have changed the way families lived?

1. Forcing people off the land into cities and factory jobs, 2. making people adhere to a schedule that was not in tune with seasonal rhythms, 3. subjecting them to greater poverty, overcrowding, and illness, and 4. weakening the power of adults to guide the lives of their children
