What is the spine?
A series of bones that run from head to tailbone.
True or False: It is better to more high fiber food for a successful bowel program?
True or False: You gain tons of muscle after a SCI?
Muscle mass and movement are limited
True or false: Alcohol lowers your body's ability to fight infections.
True or false: The cardiovascular system and circulatory system are the same thing.
How many vertebrae are fused together creating the "tailbone"?
three to five
True or False: Intermittent catheterization is normally completed every 4 to 6 hours?
What areas of your body should you perform skin checks?
Heels, tailbone, elbows, shoulder blades, and back of the head, hips, knees, ears, between the knees and ankles, outer ankles and knees
Note on Fiber: Why is fiber important?
Fiber is an important part of bowel management after SCI. Soluble fiber helps firm stool and Insoluble fiber helps to prevent constipation and infections in the gut
What is the sudden, severe drop in blood pressure when you stand after sitting or sit up after lying down.
Orthostatic hypotension
What does ASIA stand for?
American Spinal Injury Association
Fever/chills, increased spasms, fatigue, unexpected urine leakage, cloudy urine, foul-smelling urine
Name five ways to prevent pressure injuries after SCI.
1.perform regular weight shifts, 2. keep your skin clean and dry, 3. avoid smoking, 4. eat a balanced diet and drink fluids, 5. perform regular skin checks
Why should you limit your intake of drinks with sugar, caffeine, and alcohol?
Because they flush the water out of your body.
What is the sudden rise in blood pressure when someone with an injury at T6 level or above (often the body's response to a harmful stimulus or pain)?
Autonomic dysreflexia (AD)
Name the four different section of the spinal cord?
Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum
What are the fundamental aspects of a bowel program? There are four :-)
Foods and fluids, activity level, medications, and bowel care
What physical features would you expect from Stage one and two skin sore?
Stage 1: skin is not broken but is red and discolored and does not turn white (blanch).
Stage 2: The topmost layer of skin (epidermis), is broken, creating a shallow open sore. Drainage may or may not be present.
Name three out of the seven vitamins needed for healthy nutrients listed in the SCI handbook.
Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K
What is edema?
What is Cauda Equina Syndrome?
occurs a result of trauma or stenosis to lower the back. Often results in issues with bowel, bladder, lower extremity movement and sensation.
What parts of the body are included in your urinary system?
Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, pelvic floor, and external urethral sphincter
What to do if you recognize a problem area on your skin?
Try to problem solve the cause immediately and take corrective action to avoid it happening again or getting it worse.
What are six major nutrients needed for health and function?
Water, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, and Minerals
Name three treatments for Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD)
Sit up high, loosen or remove tight clothing, check or empty bowel or bladder, check catheter tubing (if applicable), monitor blood pressure every 5 minutes, seek emergency help if symptoms do not resolve in 20-30 minutes