How many articulating vertebrae are in the spine?
24 (7 cervical, 12 throacic, 5 lumbar)
9 are fused
What motion does the atlanto-occipital joint allow?
Flexion/extension and lateral flexion.
How many pairs of ribs are true ribs?
7 pairs. (8-12 are false; 11 and 12 are floating)
Name the three parts of the erector spinae.
Iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis.
What type of vertebrae increases in size from cervical to lumbar regions?
Vertebrae increase in size to support the weight of segments above.
What joint allows head rotation?
Atlanto-axial joint.
What are the three parts of the sternum?
Manubrium, body, and xiphoid process.
What is the main action of the quadratus lumborum?
Lateral flexion/side bending of the trunk.
How many vertebrae are fused in the sacrum?
What type of joint are the intervertebral discs?
Amphiarthrodial symphysis joints.
What ribs are called floating ribs?
Ribs 11 and 12.
What is the primary action of the rectus abdominis?
Lumbar flexion and posterior pelvic rotation.
What are the three undesirable curvatures of the spine?
Lordosis, kyphosis, and scoliosis.
What part of the intervertebral disc absorbs shock?
Nucleus pulposus.
What is often injured during CPR?
Xiphoid process.
What abdominal muscle acts as a corset for the spine?
Transverse abdominis.