How many vertebrae are in the spinal column?
Inflammation of the SI joint
SI Sprain
Nerve that runs down the back of your leg?
Sciatic nerve
Athlete lies supine and the examiner applies pressure to spread ASIS
SI compression test
What are the motions of the spine?
Extension, flexion, lateral bending and rotation
What is the official name of C1?
Disc between the vertebrae becomes inflammed
Herniated Disc
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
Athlete is seated and abducted the shoulder by placing hand on top of head
Shoulder Abduction Test
Muscles that extend from the vertebrae to the ribs
What is the most inferior part of the spine?
The coccyx
Compression of the spinal nerve
What are dermatomes?
Athlete is standing with their PSIS viable, examiner palpates the PSIS, athlete pulls knee towards chest and holds while examiner observes the PSIS
Gillet's Test
What are the 3 sections of the spine?
Cervical, thoracic and lumbar
True or False? There is a lot of movement in the thoracic spine.
Nerves on neck and shoulder compress (stinger)
Brachial Plexus Injury
What are myotomes?
Group of muscles innervated by a specific nerve root
Vertebral Artery Test
How many vertebrae are classified as true?
What is the annulus pulposus composed of?
Strong fibros tissue
Complete fracture of the pars inter articularis
Athlete lies supine and examiner passively straightens the athletes leg
Bowstring Test
The lumbar and sacral nerve roots form a house tail like structure called...
Cauda Equina