What is Original Sin?
the first sin committed by the first humans -- Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit and disobeying God
Choose a character from a tv show, movie, or book that is considered good. What actions show that they are good?
choose any but examples could include:
- Cinderella -- puts up with her stepmom and step sisters and only does what is best for everyone else
- Iron Man -- uses technology to better the world around him and forms a team of superheroes to help people
Who tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden?
What is concupiscence?
the tendency to sin
a less serious sin that hurts our relationship with God but does not destroy it
venial sin
Choose a character from a tv show, movie, or book that is considered evil. What actions show that they are evil?
choose any but examples could include:
- Voldemort -- ruins people's lives and wants to destroy all good
- Ursula -- (little mermaid octopus witch) steals Ariel's voice in a trick and wants to rule the whole ocean
What are some of the consequences of the bad choice that Adam and Eve?
- cursed child birth for women
- kicked out of garden and stranded in the wilderness
- men will have to work forever making food and having a job
- hatred between humans and snakes
the special grace given to us in the Sacraments
sanctifying grace
a serious sin we freely choose to commit even though we know it's wrong and it separates us from God
mortal sin
There are some sins Jesus will not forgive.
How many times was Jesus tempted in the desert after His Baptism and by who?
3 times by the devil
The Sacrament that washes away Original Sin -
Mortal or Venial -- not going to Mass on Sunday
All sin is a failure to _______ God.
How was Jesus' response to temptation different from how Adam and Eve responded to temptation?
When Jesus was tempted, He said no
when Adam and Eve were tempted, they gave in
- Jesus was stronger than them
The Sacrament that forgives our sins when we're truly sorry -
Penance/Reconciliation (Confession)
Mortal or Venial -- taking the tv remote from your sister to put on the show you like instead of what she was watching
Venial Sin
Who can you turn to to know what is right and wrong?
- God/Jesus/Holy Spirit
- parents
- priest
- teachers
- Bible
- Church teachings (Commandments/Beatitudes)
Tell the story of the Lost Sheep and it's message.
A shepherd was walking and one sheep out of 100 was lost. He left the 99 and went in search of the one lost. He found it and rejoiced.
This is the way that God will treat 1 sinner that comes back. He will be happier for 1 person to return to Him than 99 people that have always been with Him.
turn away from sin and commit to change by not sinning anymore
(apologize and change)
Venial sins can be forgiven by receiving Holy Communion.
Why is it important not to think only of ourselves?
it is important to care for all people and not do things that are only good for us because other people in the world matter too
Tell the story of the Lost Coin and it's message.
A woman loses one coin out of her 10 coins and she tears apart her house looking for the one coin. When she finally finds it she throws a big party.
This is the way that God will treat 1 sinner that comes back. He will seek out one person lost and throw a party when they return to Him.
________ is love that keeps on loving even when it is rejected.
What are the conditions for a sin to be considered mortal?
1) it's seriously wrong
2) you know it's serious wrong
3) you choose to do it freely
What are some consequences of the temptation to eat a bunch of candy at one time?
- an upset stomach
- spoiling your dinner
- not having candy on another day because you ate it all
- your parents maybe will be upset with you
- it's an unhealthy habit you don't want to make a pattern
Tell the story of the Prodigal (Lost) Son and it's message.
A younger son asks his father for all the money that is due to him and he moves away and spends it all. When all the money is gone he has to get a job to survive and he is very unhappy. He decides to go home and beg his father to take him in and treat him like a servant because he has not been a good son. The father sees him coming and runs to him and welcomes him back with a huge hug and has a celebration. The older son is mad but the father says it's as if the younger son was dead and has come back to life.
The message is that there isn't anything that we can do that will make God not take us back and love us. No matter what God will rejoice when we come back to Him.