How many sides does a square have?
What is 4 sides?
What state do we live in?
Where is Ohio?
What is the fastest land animal that lives in the Savannah?
What is a cheetah?
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
What is Jupiter?
How many commandments are there?
What is the 10 commandments.
What shape has 3 sides?
What is a triangle?
What are Red, White, and Blue?
How many continents are there?
7 Continents?
What is the largest river in the world?
The Nile River
What color is a lady bug?
What is red and black?
What color is an emerald?
What is green?
Where are the Great Pyramids of Giza in what country?
Where is Egypt?
What war was fought between the US Northern States, and US Southern States?
What is the civil war?
What country do we live in?
Where is the United States of America?
Which month has 28/ 29 (leap year) days?
What is February?
What is the largest grown crop in the United States?
What is corn?
Which Disney character is known for leaving a glass slipper at a royal ball?
What Orbits Around the Earth?
What is the moon?
12 + 16
What country is home to animals such as kangaroos, dingoes, and wallabies?