What character did we study that practiced silence & Solitude?
What character did we study that practiced fasting and the sabbath?
The Pharisees
What character did we study that practiced secrecy?
What character did we study that practiced submission?
Elijah was coming off a victory in 1 Kings 18 where he challenged prophets of an idol when we runs from Jezebel to the cave. What was that idol?
Another word for discipline of Sabbath is discipline of ______.
True or False: We should always do our good deeds in private to honor God.
False, Matthew 5:13-16
What is the spiritual discipline of submission? (2 main parts)
Following the desires of God over our own desires
Can any thing that reminds us of God or brings us closer to Him be a spiritual discipline?
No, Spiritual Disciplines must be found in Scripture and used for holiness.
Why does solitude help us grow closer to God? (Hint: date analogy)
Helps you solely focus on Him
Are we commanded to fast and observe the Sabbath as Christians in 2024?
No, but both are useful disciplines
What is the spiritual discipline of secrecy? (3 main parts)
Intentionally doing good/godly deeds in private.
Jesus told us that He will be with us always after he gave us our mission in Matthew 28 (the great commission). How is Jesus with His people today?
Through the Holy Spirit
Can you name the 7 Spiritual Disciplines we have studied to date?
Silence, Solitude, Fasting, Sabbath, Secrecy, Submission, and Bible Reading
As said in class, silence doesn't just refer to your mouth, but your _______ and _______.
Mind and surroundings
Daniel actually didn't practice secrecy in order to follow God's commands. How?
He prayed to God as he always did even when the king made a decree for no one to pray to any thing other than him.
Moses made 2 excuses to God when asked to lead His people out of Egypt. What were those two excuses?
What if they don't believe me?
I am not good at speaking.
What are the two types of spiritual disciplines?
Bonus 100: what do they mean
Abstinence and Engagement
Abstinence: removing from your life
Engagement: adding to your life
In 1 Kings 19, the Lord appeared to Elijah in a whisper. What was he not in?
Wind, Earthquake, Fire
Jesus called out the Pharisees in 7 different ways in Matthew 23. These are commonly know as the 7 ____.
What nation were the Israelites enslaved to during the life of Daniel?
At the end of our character study on submission, we looked at one other NT biblical character as an example of submission to Jesus other than our main character. Who was that second character?
What are Spiritual Disciplines? (3 main parts to this answer)
Spiritual disciplines are spiritual exercises that makes us more like Jesus and help us grow closer to God.