Where can you find the model prayer in the bible?
What is Matthew 6:9-13
What scripture describes the fast that God has chosen
what is Isaiah 58:6-8
Where is the scripture found that tells us to meditate on the law day and night
what is Joshua 1:8
Where is the story about Mary and Martha having Jesus in their home found
What is Luke 10:38-42
What does El Elyon mean
What is God Most High
What did Jesus tell Satan when he tempted in to turn a stone to bread
What is man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds of of the mouth of God
What scripture shows us Jesus taking time away from everyone and everything to pray
What is Mark 1:35
Let your light so shine before men..... Finish the verse
that they may we your Good works and glorify your father which is in heaven
Define El Shaddai
what is the all sufficient one
Where is the scripture found that tells us how to carry ourselves when we fast
What is Matt 6:16-18
According to Jn 14:15 home do we show God that we love him
what is by keeping His commandments
Jesus said unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father except through me
What is Jn 14:6
According to the bible when should we pray
What is Always
What Jesus's response when his disciples couldn't cast out the demon in Matt 17:21
What is this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting
What was Paul telling Timothy in 1Tim 4:11-16 you can paraphrase
what is to continue to teach the word and don't let anyone intimidate you because of your age but be the example....
What verse says if you love he keep my commandments
What is in 14:15
What does the acronym ACTS stand for that we gave
What is Adoration Confession Thanksgiving and Supplication
Give 3 examples of fasts that were mentioned in the bible
The 40 day fast (jesus) the Esther fast and the Daniel fast
2Tim 2:15
What is study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth
What does 2Tim 3:16say
All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness.