Week 1 - Prayer
We learned an acronym that can help us pray even when we don't know what to pray. What was the word we used to remember what to pray? What does it stand for?
Week 5 - Confession
Confession requires taking responsibility for our ____________.
The final week’s Spiritual Discipline is…
Week 2 - Fasting
What are some things that you can fast from as a kid?
Video games, TV, sports, iPad
Week 6 - Control of Tongue
What are some good things that the tongue can do?
Sing to God, encourage others, praying to God, speaking the truth in love
Week 2 - Fasting
Why do we fast?
to move closer to God and spend more time with God
Week 6 - Control of Tongue
What are some bad things that the tongue can do?
dishonesty, gossiping, yelling, saying bad words, making others feel small, speaking out of anger
Week 3 - Generosity
What are some ways that we can be generous?
We can share our toys, our time, our talents, etc.
Week 7 - Bible Study and Memorization
Why is it important to study the Bible?
We have everything that we need to know to live a life for God today, and that is found in God’s word.
Week 4 - Contemplation
Does anyone remember the word we used for this discipline? It's a word we use when think about imagining what God is like. We use the Bible to guide us while we do this!
Week 8 - Service
Jesus showed us how to serve by washing his disciples' feet. Why was this an act of service?
Washing feet was a dirty job meant for a servant, not an important person. Jesus showed that everyone in the kingdom of God was to serve others.