Book of Mormon Prophets
The Bible
Church History
Name that Hymn

This Book of Mormon prophet was born of “goodly parents”

Who is Nephi?


These are the first three books in the New Testament

What are Matthew, Mark, and Luke?


This is the place where Brigham Young and the pioneers stopped to settle and build the Kingdom

What is Salt Lake City?


“Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do to live with him someday.”

What is “I Am a Child of God”?


This spiritual giant was a Heart Surgeon before he became a member of the 12 apostles in 1984

Who is Russell M. Nelson?


This prophet taught King Lamoni in the land of Ishmael

Who is Ammon?


This was the young boy who would become one of the greatest Kings in all of Israel, who just happened to be pretty handy with a slingshot

Who is David?


This schoolteacher was the scribe for Joseph for most of the Book of Mormon translation

Who is Oliver Cowdery?


“We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven.  Hosana, hosana, to God and the Lamb! Let glory to them in the highest be given, hence forth and forever.  Amen, and Amen!”

What is “The Spirit of God”?


These are the members of the ward that hold priesthood keys.

Who are the Bishop, Elders Quorum President, Teachers Quorum President, and Deacons Quorum President?


This prophet was the very first Chief Judge of the Nephits

Who is Alma?


This prophet, who was sold by his brothers, eventually because one of the most powerful men in Egypt.  He also had a pretty spiritual descendant in Palmyra, NY, who shared his same name

Who is Joseph?


This section in the Doctrine and Covenants is where we find the Word of Wisdom

What is Doctrine and Covenants Section 89?


“Oh how lovely was the morning! Radiant beamed the sun above. Bees were humming, sweet birds singing, music ringing through the grove.”

What is “Joseph Smith’s First Prayer”?


These two members of the Palm Hills ward are the Relief Society President and the Elders Quorum President

Who are Sister/President Chapman and Brother/President Gunderson?


This Book of Mormon Prophet, who lived to see the entire destruction of his people, hid in the cavity of a rock by day

Who is Ether?


There are this many books in the New Testament

What is 27?


This temple was the very first temple built in the Last Dispensation (and dedicated in 1836)

What is the Kirkland Temple?


“In every condition, in sickness in health.  In poverty’s vale or abounding in wealth.  At home or abroad, on the land or the sea.  As thy days may demand, as thy days may demand, as thy days may demand, so thy succor shall be”

What is “How Firm a Foundation”?


This is the name of the new temple in the design phase on the northwest side of Las Vegas

What is the Lone Mountain Nevada Temple?


This early Book of Mormon prophet was so full of faith that he saw the finger of the lord

Who is the Brother of Jared?


This is the scripture in the New Testament that inspired Jospeh Smith to pray to Heavenly Father in the Sacred Grove

What is James 1:5?


These three men had an Angel of the Lord show them the Gold Plates.  They are also known as the “Three Witnesses”

Who are Martin Harris, David Whitmer, and Oliver Cowdery?


“Oh how joyful it will be, when our Savior we shall see!  When in splendor he’ll descend, then all sickness will end.  Oh what songs we then will sing, to our Savior Lord, and King!”

What is “Come Ye Children of the Lord”?


This country is where Bishop Marshall served his mission

What is Zimbabwe?
