This man narrowly escaped death when his would-be assassinator instead chose only to steal his water jug
King Saul
The mighty walls of Jericho fell after being marched around for this long
7 days
This book of the Bible follows 2 Chronicles
The year Jehovah's Witnesses got their name
This song begins our songbook
Jehovah's Attribites
This man was Israel's last good king
Jacob worked this many combined years for Laban to receive both of his wives
These words are found at James 2: 17
"So, too, faith by itself, without works, is dead."
This many variations were designed with the newest iteration of tracts
The number of the song entitled: This is the Way
This young man fell asleep in a bad situation
Jesus went this long without eating before being tempted by Satan
What is 40 days
This book of the Bible proceeds Jonah
The first month JW Broadcasting was published
October 2014
Also the title of this original song, the chorus reminds us that this can "lift a weary heart"
Just A Smile
This King's father had a man killed for his field
Dathan and Abiram were killed in this way, when choosing not to follow Jehovah's leadership
Swallowed up by the Earth
This verse reads: "Jehovah is on my side; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
Psalm 118: 6
In 1928 the Bible Students stopped this time-honored tradition
Celebrating Christmas
According to the original song, what is waiting Just Around the Corner?