Texts & Scriptures
Religious Figures

This text was revealed to Joseph Smith through an angel of God named Moroni. Along with the Bible and two other books, it forms the canon of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter-day Saints.

What is the Book of Mormon?


Catholics and some Orthodox Christians believe that in order to be the mother of God, this person was born in a state free of original sin in the dogma called the Immaculate Conception.

Who is the Virgin Mary?


Moses received the ten commandments on top of this mountain in Egypt.

What is Mt. Sinai?


In Dante’s imagination, this place has nine levels.

What is Hell?


Like many illuminated Medieval manuscripts, the famous blue Qur’an was written on/using these materials.

What are parchment (or vellum) and/or gold leaf?


This fragmented set of Hebrew Scriptures are the oldest surviving copies of many Jewish and Christian canon. Funnily enough, they are named after a “lifeless” body of water they were discovered around.

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?


This author of the Tao Te Ching is often regarded as the founder of the Taoist philosophy and religion, his name translating literally to “Old Master” .

Who is Laozi (or Lao Tzu)?


The qibla, directly translating to “direction” from Arabic, refers to the orientation Muslims take when practicing salah, facing this structure.

What is the Kaaba?


A feature of many South Asian originating religions, this cycle of death and rebirth is inherently filled with suffering, and counter to the ultimate spiritual goal of Moksha.

What is Samsara?


Torii Gates like the one seen in this image mark the entrance of this distinctively Japanese religion’s shrines.

What is Shinto?


This 480,000 word Hindu epic, credited to the poet Valmiki, has been adapted into numerous stage and ballet productions and is associated with Diwali.

What is the Ramayana?


This spiritual leader, whose current incarnation turned 89 this year, is considered to be a manfiestation of the bodhisattva of compassion in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, and has long represented the unification of Tibetan identity.

Who is the Dalai Lama?


This sovereign country is home to the Swiss Guard and the largest church in the world (St. Peter’s Basilica) and has a pope to kilometer squared ratio greater than 1. 

What is Vatican City?


In Catholic theology, this place known as the edge of hell is where those who do not deserve to go to the “Hell of the Damned” but still died in original sin go when they die. Alternatively, it has come to mean a place between space and time, or getting under a low bar.

What is Limbo?


This style of art depicting important Christian figures (such as Mary, Jesus, saints and angels) and biblical narrative scenes is an important feature of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

What is Iconography?


This book of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, one of the few named after a woman, is considered canonical by Catholic and Orthodox Christians but not Jews or Protestants.

What is the Book of Judith?


This figure of Hinduism divided up the four Vedas and is believed to be the author of the Mahabharata.

Who is Veyasa (or Vedaveyasa)?


This religion’s oldest standing temple is located just north of Chicago, its design includes a 9 sided main building surrounded by 9 paths, symbolic of the religion’s belief that all prophets are manifestations of the will of one unified God.

What is the Baha'i faith?


Scandinavian Mythology believes that kings and outstanding warriors were escorted by Valkyries to this place, where they would feast and fight for eternity.

What is Valhalla?


At 128 meters/420 feet tall, the largest statue of the Buddha and second-largest statue in the world resides in this country.

Where is China?


The most translated book in the world, the Bible has been translated in its entirety to roughly this percentage of the world’s living languages.

What is 10%?


He is the first of 10 Gurus who established the principles of Sikhism and is regarded as the founder of the religion.

Who is Guru Nanak?


This country has highest population of Muslims in the world. (Its flag is red and white and Islam has been the dominant religion since the 1500s)

What is Indonesia?


This religion believes the soul crosses a bridge as part of the afterlife, successfully making it across to heaven if good, and falling off into hell if evil. Part of their burial rites historically included a Tower of Silence, where bodies would be left out to decompose in order that they might not pollute the earth.

What is Zoroastrianism?


Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of the Annunciation features this angel, who also plays a prominent role as a divine messenger in Islam and Judaism. 

 Who is the Angel Gabriel/Jibril?
