Inner Being
In Recovery

What is Spirituality?

Believing there is something greater than self.


What is the definition of Religion?

What is the belief in and worship of a higher controlling power, especially a personal God or gods OR a particular system of faith and worship.


What is inner being?

It is our core spiritual nature, our inner self. You may already refer to this part of you as your Higher Self, or Soul Essence.


What is serenity?

The state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil.


ODAT stands for _____.

What is One Day At a Time?


One way you you can practice spirituality is practicing G______.

What is Gratitude?


What are the 6 main religions in the world?

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism.


What can power yourself by clearing your mind.



What is the Serenity Prayer?

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.


Name a 12-step organization values using Spiritual practices and recognizing a higher power?

What is AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery, SMART recovery, etc.?


Another benefit of spirituality is a stronger ______ system.

What is Immune?


Do you have to be religious in order to be spiritual?

No. You don’t need to follow an institutionalized religion in order to have a spiritual life.


What will help you find peace with inner being.

Changing Perception


What should you notice while trying to obtain peace and serenity?

Notice how you respond to stress


A desire or dream you try to achieve in a certain amount of time, no matter the cost.



Name 2 forms of Spiritual expression.
HINT: They all start with "B"

What is behaving, belonging, believing or being?


What is NOT a Spiritual goal in recovery?

A.) Develop better coping skills.
B.) Find a religion or organization to join.
C.) Learn to cope with stress in a positive way.
D.) Promote healing through forgiveness and reconnecting with others.

B.) Find a religion or organization to join


According to many recovery programs, one must let go of _________ in order to fully begin the recovery process.



Name 3 spiritual practices you can use during recovery.

What is yoga, meditation, prayer, mantras, breathing exercises, affirmations, etc.?


Which step makes you make a searching and fearless inventory of yourself?

Step 4


Name 3 of the Five Different Types of Spiritual Practices That Promote Ongoing Recovery?

# 1 Prayer:
Step 11 of the 12-Step process reads, “We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” Prayer can be a very beautiful spiritual practice.
Prayer is you talking to the God of your own understanding. Or, you might prefer to pray to the universe, nature, or whatever’s “out there.” It is a one-way conversation with you and your Higher Power.

# 2 Connecting With Nature:
Many people find that connecting with nature is a spiritual practice that helps them in their recovery. This might involve hiking or walking along a nature trail. It could be just laying in the grass with the sun shining on your face. Maybe you would enjoy sitting quietly under a tree. Or, perhaps you might like to go on a camping trip and do some stargazing.

# 3 Yoga:
Yoga is an ancient practice that dates back more than 5,000 years. It involves very intentional body poses and breathing exercises.
Many people in recovery enjoy yoga because it connects them to their mind, body, and spirit. After years of drug or alcohol abuse, many newly sober people have experienced a profound disconnect from their authentic selves. Yoga helps to restore this connection.

# 4 Attending a Spiritual or Religious Service:
One of the greatest things about the 12-Step process is that you get to develop a relationship with a God of your own understanding. You can believe in whoever or whatever you choose. This also means you can go to any kind of worship service to honor your own spirituality.

# 5 Meditation:
It has been said that prayer is you talking to God. Well, then, meditation is God talking to you.
Meditation is another type of spiritual practice that tends to intimidate people. For those who have never tried meditation, it can seem like a frightening endeavor. Many get quite anxious when they think about sitting quietly for a period of time. Most people want to avoid the relentless chatter in their own mind at all costs.
The irony is that regular meditation actually quiets mental chatter. It also boosts mood, reduces stress and anxiety, promotes restful sleep, and works as a natural painkiller.


Is there a difference between religion and spirituality?

The major difference between religion and spirituality is one of believing versus being.


How do I access my inner being?

1. Schedule time for yourself.
2. Show compassion towards yourself.
3. Allow yourself to heal.
4. Deeply think and reflect.
5. Work on your flaws, but accept what you cannot change.
6. Never compare yourself.
7. Celebrate your progress.
8. Journal.
9. Don't settle for less.
10. Trust your gut.


True or False:
Meditation is not proven to improve overall well-being during recovery.



Three indispensable principles in the 12 step fellowship are. 

HOW: Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Willingness
