What is Mrs. Carty's dog's name?
What does confidentiality mean?
When something is kept private and not shared with others
Can your counselor help you with your math homework?
Probably not, but they can help you find tutoring or other resources to help you with math.
When you are called into the counseling office, are you ever in trouble?
Nope! Counselors might know of a concern and talk to you about it, but you are never in trouble.
What was the purpose of school counselors in the early 1900s?
To help students to find factory jobs based on a student’s skill level
What is Ms. Westley's favorite color?
Why might your school counselor break confidentiality?
If you want to hurt yourself
If you want to hurt someone else
If someone is hurting you
If you tell them it's okay to share with someone else
You got into a fight with your sister and you want to apologize but you don't know how. How could your counselor help?
The counselor could help you gather your thoughts and practice how you could express your feelings towards your sister.
What is one healthy way to deal with stress and anxiety?
Deep breathing
Exercise (including chair yoga)
Listening to music
Playing with a stress ball/fidget
Spending time with friends/family
Finding something to laugh about
Positive thinking
What major event lead counselors to help guide students into STEM related jobs?
The launch of Sputnik
What counselor has been at SPMS the longest?
Mrs. Spegel
Jose tells his school counselor that he hates his teacher and wishes he had a different one. Will his counselor tell his teacher?
No! This would break confidentiality unless Jose said it was okay to share this with the teacher.
Can your school counselor help you explore colleges and careers in middle school?
Yes! It's never too early to start planning for your future.
What is the name of the wonderful counseling secretary?
Ms. Beery
What is the difference between classroom counseling and group counseling?
Classroom counseling is when counselors deliver lessons on things like academic skills, personal/social skills, and career development.
Group counseling is when a small group of students meet with the counselor regularly and discuss a variety of topics.
Where did Mrs. Newswanger go to college?
Penn State University
Sarah tells her counselor that she has been really sad lately and that she hurt herself last night. Will the school counselor keep this a secret?
No. The counselor would need to tell Sarah's parents because Sarah has hurt herself.
You accidentally got put into band when you don't play an instrument. Can you school counselor help with this?
Yes! Counselors can help you explore other class options.
What level of education does a school counselor need?
All school counselors need a master's degree.
Name three things that school counselors do as part of their job.
Classroom lessons on academic, social/emotional/ and career development
Consult and collaborate with teachers, parents, and community members
Individual Counseling
Help families to find outside resources
Group Counseling
Advocate for students
Help students with goal setting and exploring future interests
Work with students and families around attendance
Crisis response
Help to identity achievement gaps
What animal does Mrs. Spegel put into all of her lessons?
Her dog--Pippa!
Laura comes in and tells her counselor that she has a crush on her best friend's boyfriend. Should Laura's counselor tell her friend?
Nope. This isn't a reason to break confidentiality.
You are feeling really stressed out, nervous, and overwhelmed, but you don't know why. How can your school counselor help in this situation?
They can help you figure out what might be causing your stress and identity strategies that help you cope with your stress.
How can you see your school counselor?
Asking your teacher
In the morning before school starts or during lunch in the cafeteria
Coming to the counseling office and asking for a pass
The counselor can call for you
Your parent can ask the counselor to see you
Your friend can ask the counselor to see you if they are concerned
What is this an example of:
"I will raise my grade from a C to a B by the end of the 3rd marking period."
A success goal!
...part of your "Life and Learning Plan" you created if you were here during the beginning of the school year.