The Camp Minister with Purple Hair.
What is Miss Maddi!
Before we eat Snack and Lunch we...
What is PRAY!
The Camp Director that is ALWAYSSS here...
What is Mister Dom
The Camp Minister that says BAZINGA?
What is Mister JAMES!
When we enter the church we enter...
Which camp sings the "RULE SONG"
What is Happy Holidays or the Little ones
The Camp Minister that dressed up as SANTA CLAUSE
What is MISS ABBY!
the Prayer we pray before eating snack
what is
Bless us Oh Lord and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Which Camp Minister does the Church Clap the BEST
What is Mister Joe!
The Camp Minister that speaks Spanish.
What is Miss Jessi!
Before sitting down in our pews, we...
What is Genuflect and do the Sign of the Cross (half point if one of them is said)
Miss Summer's Favorite Disney princess
What is Princess Jasmine
The Camp Minister that dressed up as VECTOR from Despicable Me
How many beads are in a decade of the rosary?
what is 10 Beads!
What was Mister Calvin dressed up as last week?
What is Captain America