What movie involves three sister witches that return after a virgin lights a black candle?
Hocus Pocus
What candy is named after a galaxy?
Milky Way.
What game involves apples?
Bobbing for apples.
What Cryptid is an ape like humanoid with big feet?
Big Foot.
What costume is made from a sheet?
This movie has a burnt man who enters into peoples dreams.
Nightmare on Elm Street
What candy has to be spun to create it?
Cotton Candy
What state has the biggest Halloween parade?
New York.
What cryptid is known for draining the blood from livestock, such as goats.
What is the name of the mask that the killer wears in the Scream movie?
This movie has a villian that is a burlap sack full of 100's and 100's of bugs.
Nightmare Before Christmas
What candy has kids as their mascot?
Sour Patch Kids
What did Jack-O-Laterns use to be carved from?
Turnips, potatoes and beets.
What do some people believe the Lock Ness Monster is?
A dinosuar (plesiosaurus )
What was the original reason people dressed up?
To scare away spirits.
This movie has a puzzle box that opens a door to hell and its cenobites
What candy was originally called chicken feed?
Candy Corn
Where did Halloween originate?
How tall are Loveland, Ohios Frogmen?
3 to 4 feet tall.
What were costumes originally made from in Celtic tradition?
Animal skin.
This movie has a creepy clown girl that we first meet in a laundry mat, later on seeing her play with a dead possum.
Terrifier (2)
Shellac, GRAS, or confectioners glaze covers candy such as jelly beans and is made out of what?
Insect Secretion from the Lac bug
What is the day after Halloween called?
All Saints Day.
What cryptid has a 12 foot statue in West Virginia?
In Nightmare before Christmas, what are the 3 mischevious childrens costumes?
Skeleton, Witch, and Devil.