insert image of movie character/ video of scene/ etc
What is another name for the season of fall?
Autumn or harvest
True or False: The population of people of color that have lived at Rediscovery is 2%.
False, very very false.
Name 2 things you have learned while living at Rediscovery!
Knowledge is power, but that's nothing until you USE IT!
AKA: Practice what we preach! Walk the walk & talk the talk!
What has a head and a tail but no body?
A coin!
Fall started on what date this year?
September 23, 2023
Who is the Program Director of Rediscovery?
Ashley Mazuroski!
Adulthood isn't that bad! Name 3 pros and cons of being an adult.
Congrats! You just reflected on the good and bad of a tough situation. Adulthood is full of times like this!
What do you break before you use it?
An egg!
True or false: Catching a falling leave can bring you good luck.
After you turn 22, you can choose what happens next in your life! Name 3 options for life after Rediscovery.
IL (Independent Living)
Get your own apartment/ house
Live with family/friends
Get a new job
Adopt a dog/cat/pet
Move to another state/city/ anywhere
DMH/ DDS Group Home
Anything you want!!!
Ask for extension of services from DCF*
*in special cases
Welcome to Adulthood! You finally left Rediscovery and have your own apartment in Dorchester, MA. What is the average monthly rent for a 1 bed/1 bath in your area right now?
I grow stronger with alcohol but I die with water. What am I?
Name 10 things that are commonly associated with the fall season in 60 seconds!
Pumpkins, apples, apple cider, leaves, sweaters, dead trees, hot chocolate, pumpkin spice, Halloween, pumpkin carving, back to school, Labor Day, Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day, changing colors, bonfire, pumpkin pie, apple pie, apple picking, hayride, apple cider donuts, etc.
Finish these sentences:
Rediscovery is...
I am good at...
I am learning to...
I deserve...
Congrats! You are amazing and just practiced positive self-talk! Try it again when you are feeling down.
You just found out that you are having a baby! Welcome to adulthood and parenthood! How much does an average nanny cost for 1 month?
According to, a nanny costs about $3190 a month.
What has a thumb and fingers but is not alive?
A glove!
According to Todays', National Candy Corn day is...
(Hint: It's in October)
October 30!
You have 30 seconds to name as many Rediscovery staff/ admin as you possibly can. Starting now!
Adulthood is expensive! You just got a new job at Google making $60,000/ year! Your monthly budget includes rent ($2500), car note ($1000), car insurance ($500), groceries ($300), saving ($200), splurging ($100). How much do you have left over at the end of the month?
Your income: $60,000/year = $5000/month
Your expenses: $2500 + 1000 + 500 + 300 + 200 +100 = $4600
You have $400 left over!
There are 2 fathers and 2 sons in a car. How many people are in the car?