This American author was the pioneer of what we’d now call the ambiguous horror story, where the supernatural elements of the tale may actually be explained (or explained away) with a psychological explanation and was the first writer to use the term "short story".
Who is Edgar Allen Poe?
Before jack-o’-lanterns were carved as pumpkins, what other root vegetable was commonly used?
What are Turnips?
Who is Dracula?
What is the number one rule on Randy’s list for surviving a horror movie in Scream?
What is "Don't have Sex!"?
Food do people "bob" for on Halloween?
What are Apples!
"If there's something strange in your neighbourhood…"
What is "Ghostbusters" - By Ray Parker Jr. ?
Only one holiday surpasses Halloween in annual consumer sales.
What is Christmas?
What is "A Nightmare on Elm Street"?
He wrote the classic Gothic horror novel Dracula?
Who is Bram Stoker?
Black Cats are often associated with Halloween, despite the early Celts believing they were symbols of good luck. Fear of the Black Cat was first introduced by Puritans, even burning them alongside their owners during the Salem Witch trials, suspected as being one of these.
What is a Witch's Familiar?
Who is the Wolfman?
What is the name of the Clown in the Movie "IT"
Who is Pennywise the Dancing Clown?
This Halloween fruit is often mistaken for a vegetable?
What is a pumpkin?
"You try to scream...
But terror takes the sound before you make it..."
What is "Thriller" by Michael Jackson?
Transylvania is a region in which country?
What is Romania?
What is "Friday the 13th"?
This author is credited with writing the first major science fiction novel, as well as inventing the concept of the “mad scientist” and helping establish what would become horror fiction at the young age of eighteen as part of ghost story competition.
Who is Mary Shelley?
The Celtic cultures wore costumes in order to do this.
What is ward off spirits?
Who is The Fly?
Which Tim Burton movie features the headless horseman?
What is Sleepy Hollow?
Chicken Feed was the original name for icon Halloween candy?
What is candy corn?
"I was working in the lab late one night, when my eyes beheld an eerie sight…"
What is "The Monster Mash" by Boris Pickett and the Cryptkeepers?
A fear of Halloween is this type of phobia.
What is Samhainophobia?
What is "The Shining"?
This book was horror icon, Stephen King's, first ever published novel in 1973, despite it being the sixth novel he had written. It was later adapted into a film version of the same name in 1976.
What is Carrie?
The term "All Hallow's Eve", which Halloween is short for, uses the old English term 'Hallow' to describe this.
What is Saint or Holy?
Who is Dr. Frank-n-Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
This horror movie was the first American film ever to show a toilet on screen.
What is 'Psycho'?
What are molasses kisses?
“Their creepy and their kooky…”
What is the "Addams Family" theme song?
Vampire bats are native to this region of the world?
What is Central and South America?
What is "Hocus Pocus"?
In which Shakespeare play, do three witches say "Double, double, toil and trouble"?
What is Macbeth?
This request for sweets or candy, originally with the implication that anyone who is asked and who does not provide sweets or other treats will be subjected to a prank or practical joke - seems to have arisen in central Canada, found in 1917 report in The Sault Daily Star, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
What is "Trick or Treat"?
What is The Nosferatu?
How many Friday the 13th movies are there?
What is 12?
The average household gives each trick or treater this many pieces of candy on Halloween.
What is about 2 pieces per child?
“It’s just a jump to the left, and a step to the right…”
What is the "the Time Warp" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
This fictional, Halloween night, serial killer wears a William Shatner "Captain Kirk" mask painted white.
Who is Michael Myers?
What is 'Beetlejuice'?
In 1973, The Exorcist, was the most terrifying movie that convinced Americans to throw away their Ouija boards and pray more and was based on a 1971 novel of the same name by this famous American writer, director and producer.
Who is William Peter Blatty?
Candy apples were commonly given to trick-or-treating children and only fell out of fashion due to urban legends about candy tampering. In the US and Canada, candy apples (known as toffee apples outside North America), caramel apples or taffy apples were the most popular and common Halloween treats because in the Northern Hemisphere Halloween comes at the same time of year as this.
What is the yearly apple harvest?
Who is the Mummy?
This film was the only horror movie in Hollywood history to win an Oscar for best picture.
What is the 'Silence of the Lambs'?
This candy was named after a popular dance at that time it was first sold.
What is a Charleston Chew bar ?
“Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange?”
What is "This is Halloween!" from 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'?
In February, 1891, the first few advertisements started appearing in papers: for the "Wonderful Talking Board,” boomed a Pittsburgh toy and novelty shop, describing a magical device that answered questions “about the past, present and future with marvelous accuracy”.
What is the Ouija Board?
What is 'Scream'?
This heavy-weight of horror fiction famously propelled his fellow author to pop culture stardom with his 'book jacket' promotional blurb on each of the six volumes of The Books of Blood published in 84'-85', "I have seen the future of horror and his name is Clive Barker."
Who is Stephen King?
This global program started in 1950 as an alternative to asking for candy during Halloween. Asking children to collect donations during door knocking and using iconic bright orange disposable collection boxes that state on the back what the money can be used for in developing countries.
What is "Trick-or-treat for UNICEF!"?
Who is the Crypt Keeper?
In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, how many people are "killed" with a chainsaw?
What is one?
Pumpkins can be orange, white, red, yellow, green and one other colour.
What is blue?
"It's been three hundred years right down to the day, Now the witch is back and there's hell to pay..."
What is "I put a Spell on You" from Hocus Pocus?
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, first aired for Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1969, staring this iconic cartoon breed of mystery solving dog?
What is a Great Dane?
What is "Sleepy Hollow"?
This early American writer of weird, science, fantasy, and horror fiction was the first to incorporate horror, fantasy and science fiction elements into stories, representing cosmic insignificance and the perceived fragility of human existence and best known for his creation of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Who is H.P. Lovecraft?
A contemporary account of "guising" at Halloween in Scotland is recorded in 1895, where masqueraders in disguise carrying lanterns made out of scooped out turnips, visit homes to be rewarded with cakes, fruit, and money. And the first account of the same ritual in North America originated in this Canadian province in 1911.
What is Ontario? (A newspaper in Kingston, Ontario, Canada reported on children going "guising" around the neighbourhood in 1911.)
Who is Chucky?
Which iconic movie claims to be the most successful horror franchise in history?
The Conjuring series
This urban legend has lead to warnings to children to always check candy.
What are sharp objects or poison in Halloween candy?
"I saw werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Walking through the streets of SoHo in the rain..."
What is "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevon?
Bram Stoker used the name "Dracula", the Romanian word for 'son of the devil or dragon', of this real world, 15th century notorious Tyrant.
Who is Vlad III, commonly known as Vlad the Impaler (Romanian: Vlad Țepeș [ˈvlad ˈt͡sepeʃ]) or Vlad Dracula?
What is the 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'?
The first theatrical adaptation of this foundational tome of Gothic horror, was actually staged before the novel itself had been published. The novel was published on 26 May 1897; but eight days earlier, on 18 May, a stage adaptation of his novel, was opened, in an attempt to drum up publicity for the book but also to secure the copyright on his creation.
What is Dracula?
As far back as the 15th century, among Christians, there had been a custom of food sharing at Allhallowtide (October 31 through November 2). People would visit houses and take this type of "cake", either as representatives of the dead, or in return for praying for their souls.
What is a Soul-Cake?
Who is Gizmo?
This movie was based on Anne Rice's famous novel and had a stellar cast that included names like Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, and Tom Cruise.
What is 'Interview With The Vampire' (1994)?
Eliot used these candies to coax out E.T. in the movie of the same name.
What are Reese's Pieces?
"...Thirteen month old baby,
Broke the lookin' glass
Seven years of bad luck,
The good things in your past..."
What is "Superstition", by Stevie Wonder?
This recent remake of an originally made for TV 2 part horror movie is the highest grossing horror film of all time, with a profit of $701 million worldwide?
What is 'It" chapter 1?
What is The Ring?
This iconic Halloween tale, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" was published in 1819 and written by this American author wrote, who also penned a companion piece in the same setting called, "Rip Van Winkle".
Who is Washington Irving?
The origins of this ancient Celtic festival held on Oct. 31st was meant to mark the beginning of winter, death, dying and fading light. It was thought this night was magical time when the veil between the lands of the living and the dead were open and both old loved ones and vengeful spirits could move among the living.
What is Samhain (pronounced Sah-wain)?
Who is Sam from Trick r Treat ?
These Ghostbusters actors also co-wrote the screenplay for the movie?
Who are Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis?
This Halloween favorite was first sold in...
What is 1987?
"Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die..."
What is, "Bad Moon Rising", by Creedence Clearwater Revival?
Which on screen adaptation fell flat, according to Stephen King?
What is the Shining?
What is 'the Conjuring'?