What does TAT stand for?
Total Average Ticket
What does BB Stand for and % need to be at?
Back Bar 35%
What does THPC Stand for?
Take Home Per Client
Gordan Logan
Accepted answer 24 or 25
Do We Pay for Shower BB products?
What should our THPC be at to hit all star?
What % of time should we be servicing clients for?
Mission Statement
What goes into TAT?
Give two examples
What goes into BB? 3 Things
Mvps, All Star Treatment, and Triple Plays
Product sold and clients count
What does CPFH stand for and what should it be at?
Heart Of a Champion
Do what's right
Do your best
Treat others the way they want to be treated
What goes into TAT
Give 2 examples
What doesn't go into BB?
Beard trims and Shavers
What is the THPC Requirement to hit Palladium?
As a store what is our Client Goal weekly?
Three key Questions
Can I trust you
Are you committed to excellence?
Do you Care about me?