What is another name for soccer?
When you dribble the ball then pick it up then dribble the ball again,what is it called?
Double Dribble
How many players can be on the team?
53 players
How many players can be on the baseball team?
26 players
How does the softball pitcher pitch?
They throw the ball underhanded by using a windmill motion
In soccer you can't do what with your hands?
Touch the ball
How many players can be on the team?
15 players
How many points do you get when you score a touchdown?
6 points
How many players can play on the baseball field?
9 players
Why do softball pitchers pitch underhand?
It is a motion thought to stress the arm less than the overhand throws seen in baseball.
How many players can be on the field?
11 players
When you carry the ball to long in a game,what is it called?
How many points is a 39 yard field goal?
3 points
What is a home run?
When a batter hits a fair ball and scores on the play without being put out or without the benefit of an error
Why do softball pitchers have to pitch underhand?
A softball is larger and heavier,throwing a softball overhand on a continuous basis as a pitcher does results in a much higher chance injury
How many players can be on a soccer team?
11 players
2 shots
How many points is a 40-49 yard field goal?
4 points
What is a strikeout in baseball?
When the pitcher throws any combination of three swinging or looking strikes to a hitter.
Why is softball pitching harder than baseball?
The speed of pitches,the reaction time for hitters and fielders,and the distance of the field.
How many games do you play before the super bowl?
6 games
What can you not have during a game?
How many points is a 50 or above yard field goal?
5 points
What is the length of the diamonds spread apart?
90 feet apart
What is a home run?
When a softball player hits the ball and run around all four bases,scoring a point for the team