Who won the world series
What are the Dodgers
Who won the NFL
What are the Eagles
Who won the world cup
What is Argentina
Who kicked the longest field goal
Who is Justin Tucker
Who is the star player for Argentina
Who is Lionel Messi
Who got 2nd place in the world series
What are the Yankees
Who got 2nd place in the NFL
What are the Chiefs
Who got 2nd place in the world cup
What is France
Who are the two star players for the Dodgers
Who is Shohei Ohtani and Mookie Betts
Who is the star player for France
Who is Kylian Mbappe
Who played the Dodgers in the NL championship
What are the Mets
Who played the Eagles in the NFC championship
What are the Redskins
Who played Argentina in the semi final
What is Croatia
Who played baseball and football
Who is Bo Jackson
Who got the gold glove in the world up
Who is Emiliano Martinez
Who played the Yankees in the AL championship
What are the Indians
Who played the Chiefs in the AFC championship
What are the Bills
Who played France in the semi final
What is Morroco
Who is the star player for the Yankees
Who is Aaron Judge
Who got the gold boot in the world cup
Who is Kylian Mbappe