What if the bat hits the ball in foul territory?
What is Foul Ball.
If a player fails to dribble while moving, what will happen?
What is a travel.
What is the name of the person that you put up in the stunt?
What is flyer.
True or false: Players are only allowed to bump off a serve?
What is false.
How many runners on a 4 X 1 relay?
What is the number 4.
What does HR stand for?
What is Homerun.
What is the size of a women's basketball?
What is 28.5 inches.
What is the athlete that holds the flyer in the air during a stunt?
What is a base.
How many hits are allowed per side?
What is 3
What is the shortest sprint race?
What is 100 meters.
Who covers first base on a bunt?
What is 2nd basemen.
What is the distance between ground and basket?
What is 10 feet.
What does JV stand for in cheerleading?
What is Junior Varsity.
When a ref places two thumbs up in the air, what happens next?
What is Re-Serve.
How much does a discus weigh?
What is 2 lbs.
When do you crow-hop?
What is when throwing in from the out field.
The NBA was founded on which date?
a) 1976
b) 1935
What is 1946.
What is a cartwheel where hands do NOT touch the ground called?
What is an Aerial.
When a ball lands on the line is it considered to be in or out?
What is the ball is considered in.
What is the longest relay sprinting event?
What is a 4*400.