What is the first thing you should do when you see someone injured?
Check the scene for safety
What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
What is the universal sign that someone is choking?
Hands clutching/grabbing the throat
What does EAP stand for?
Emergency Action Plan
True or False: You should always give rescue breaths when performing CPR on an unconscious choking victim.
False (You should check for and remove visible obstructions first)
What should you do if someone has a small cut?
Clean it with soap and water, then cover it with a bandage
How many chest compressions should be given per minute during CPR?
100-120 BPM
What technique is used to help a choking adult who cannot speak or breathe?
The Heimlich maneuver
What should an EAP include? (Name at least three components)
Emergency contacts, venue map, emergency equipment locations, step-by-step procedures, communication plan
True or False: If an injured athlete is conscious and breathing normally, you should immediately call 911 before helping them.
False (Assess the situation and provide first aid while calling 911 if needed)
Why is it important to wear gloves when giving first aid?
To protect yourself and the injured person from infections
When performing CPR, what is the ratio of chest compressions to rescue breaths for an adult?
What are the steps to help a choking infant?
5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts
Why is it important to practice an EAP before an emergency occurs?
To ensure everyone knows their role and can respond quickly and effectively
True or False: CPR should be continued until emergency personnel arrive or the person starts breathing.
What is the difference between a "SPRAIN" and a "STRAIN"
You "SPRAIN" a ligament and "STRAIN" a muscle.
Where should your hands be placed when performing chest compressions on an adult?
Center of the chest on the sternum.
If a choking person becomes unresponsive, what should you do?
Start CPR steps immediately
What emergency equipment is commonly included in an EAP for athletic environments? (name at least 3)
AED (Automated External Defibrillator), first aid kits, spine boards, splints, ice packs
True or False: The Heimlich maneuver is safe to perform on a pregnant person.
What does "R.I.C.E." stand for in first aid?
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
What should you do if a person collapses and is unresponsive but is still breathing normally?
Call 911, do NOT start CPR.
When should you NOT perform abdominal thrusts on a choking person?
If they can speak/cough, if they are an infant under 1 year old, or if they are pregnant.
Why is it important to include a venue map in an EAP?
To help emergency responders quickly locate injured individuals and access emergency equipment.
True or False: An AED (Automated External Defibrillator) should only be used by medical professionals.
False (anyone can use an AED)