Unit 6- Sports Nutrition
Unit 7- Sports Psychology
Unit 8- CPR/First Aid
Unit 9- Assessment and Evaluation
Unit 10- Taping and Wrapping

Out of the 20 amino acids how many are essential and what does that mean?

9. They can only come from the diet


Describe burnout.

Mental and physical exhaustion that causes an athlete to drop out of a sport or quit an activity that was once enjoyable


What is the compression rate if one rescuer is present for an infant?

What about 2 rescuers?




An athlete tells you their pain is a 6/10. What part of the SOAP note should document this?



When is ice appropriate to use on an injury?

Immediately, all throughout an acute injury


What is the difference between anorexia nervosa and bulimia?

Anorexia nervosa is an unwillingness to eat because of the fear of becoming obese

Bulimia is binge eating followed by feelings of guilt


Give examples of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic- self-confidence, positive emotions

Extrinsic- money, praise


Describe the Good Samaritan Law.

A law that protects people who voluntarily give care in good faith


What is one example of anthropomorphic data?

Skin folds, circumference measurements, weight


Give 2 examples of heat agents.

Ultrasound, contrast therapy, heat pack, hydrocollator, hydrotherapy


What is ephedra?

A substance derived from a shrub like plant; used as a stimulant to boost energy and weight loss, typically very dangerous


How does caffeine play a role in sports psychology?

Can exaggerate the stress response


What is compression depth for an adult, child, and infant?

Adult- 2-2.5 inches

Child- 2 inches

Infant- 1.5 inches


What do you put in the objective section of a SOAP note?

Facts of the case found out by the athletic trainer


What tape jobs require pre-wrap? Name 3.

Ankle, Elbow, Wrist (sometimes shin splints)


What are the alternate names for the following B vitamins?

B1, B2, B3

B1- Thiamin

B2- Riboflavin

B3- Niacin


What is the difference between imagery and simulation?

Imagery is mental and can be done anywhere

Simulation brings in actual elements that makes practice as close as possible to competition


Give some symptoms of the following:

Heart Attack, Stroke, Anaphylactic Shock

Heart Attack- chest pain, shortness of breath, jaw/neck/arm pain

Stroke- slurred speech, numbness on one side, loss of vision

Anaphylactic Shock- trouble breathing, swelling, rash


Give 3 examples of things you would do in the secondary injury survey? 

observation, palpation, active/passive motion, strength, stability, special tests

Walk through the steps of turf toe taping.

Anchor on big toe, 3 directly overlapping strips from anchor to top of heel, cover strips on arch of foot, secure the big tow with another anchor strip


A food item that contains 8 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of protein, and 8 grams of fat has how many calories?



What are the 4 phases of motivational interviewing?

Engaging, Focusing, Evoking, Planning


Describe how to help an adult choking victim.

Ask them to cough. If they can't administer 5 back blows, followed by 5 abdominal thrusts. If that does clear the blockage call 9-1-1


ATC's have to consider several things when creating their return to play criteria. One is emotional readiness. Why?

Even after physical recovery, emotionally the athlete may not be ready. A visit to a sports psychologist can help an athlete work through any hesitations. Once the athlete is feeling in control they may return to play.


Walk through the steps of elbow taping.

Start with pre-wrap with the elbow in slight flexion. Two anchor strips should be applied above and below pre-wrap making contact with the skin. 2 pieces of elastic tape should be applied on the anterior side of the arm and 2 on the posterior side. Apply cover strips to hold elastic strips in place. Wrap the entire elbow with one continuous strip