This part of the evaluation process includes; looking for swelling, deformity, discoloration, and changes in temperature.
What is Observation
Name the upper arm bone.
What is the humerus
Identify the plane that divides the body into front and back halves.
What is the frontal (or coronal) plane.
What is lateral ankle sprain
An athlete enters the training room limping (antalgic gait), where do you document this in your notes?
What is the acronym for the process (order) of evaluation?
What is HOPS
What is the anatomical name for the ankle joint?
What is talocrural joint
Name the three body planes
What are the front, sagittal, and transverse planes.
FOOSH is an acronym for this common mechanism of injury for the upper extremity. What does it stand for?
What is fall on outstretched hand
A patient tells you "my pain is a 7 out of 10". In your documentation you categorize this as what?
What is Subjective
Often, while taking a history, this is performed at the same time during the evaluation process.
What is Observation.
What is the correct name for the "shin" bone?
What is tibia.
A jumping jack is performed in which body plane?
What is the frontal (coronal) plane
Repeated blows to a hematoma that is left untreated puts the athlete at risk for what injury?
What is Myositis ossificans
Which part of the evaluation is used to substantiate what has been learned from the history, observation, and palpation portion?
What is special tests.
In Sports Medicine, POLICE is the most appropriate acronym. Give an example of P in POLICE.
What is: Splinting, Wrapping, Crutch fitting, transporting athlete, spine boarding.
When taping an ankle, never place tape past this bony landmark.
What is the base of the 5th metatarsal.
When a baseball player swings to hit a ball, their trunk is moving in which plane?
What is the transverse plane
This type of ankle injury does not usually have observable swelling, but is very painful.
What is Syndesmotic ankle sprain or High ankle sprain.
This type of special test is used to quantify the patient's ability to generate muscle contraction that can resist motion.
What is Manual Muscle test - MMT.
You create a rehab plan for an athlete with a lateral ankle sprain. Where is this documented in your notes?
What is Plan
In anatomical position, this bone sits laterally. When you pronate your wrist, this bone rotates over the other bone in the forearm. What bone is this?
What is the radius
What is the action of the soleus muscle?
What is Plantar flexion of the foot
What is the commonly reported mechanism of injury of a non-contact ACL injury?
What is deceleration, foot planted with cutting motion OR landing from jumping.
The "SITS" muscles make up which muscle group?
What is the rotator cuff.