Percentage of an athletes dietary intake that comes from carbohydrates?
What is 50-60%
2 Nutritional benefits for Carbohydrates food sources
What is great source of energy, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
3 Healthy sources of fat
What is olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and fish.
Main target for fluids/foods before high intensity training or competition
What is optimal fluid intake, and high carbohydrate, moderate protein and low fat.
Three R's after exercise
What is Replace (carbs), Re-build (protein), Re-hydrate (water)
2 nutritional benefits of fat
What is major source of energy; absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K. Helps keep you fuller longer.
Contributer to fatigue during exercise and caused by what
What is dehydration. Caused by fluid and sodium losses
2 purposes of drinking and eating before training or competition
What is to start exercise with optimal fluid levels.To prevent dehydration.To supply food that is quickly and easily digested. To ensure energy to train or compete. To prevent hunger before and during training/competition.
Drink water throughout the day, before you feel thirsty; Two hours before exercise, drink at least 2 cups of fluids; Drink approximately 1 cup of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise
2 types of fat we want to limit
What is saturated and trans fat
2 forms of carbohydrate in your body & what they are
What is glucose - circulates the bloodstream. Glycogen- bundles of glucose stored in the liver and muscles
2 good options to eat when having a "nervous stomach" before competition
What is meal replacement beverage, any pureed foods, mashed potatoes
Best time to recover
What is within 30-60 minutes after event
3 key things for recovery
What is reloading carbohydrate fuel stores, repairing and building new muscle tissue with protein, rehydrating with fluids.