General knowledge

What is intrinsic motivation?

A type of motivation from within, usually used to better yourself for fun or challenge


What is a performance goal?

An objective put in place to increase performance

- Scoring 80% of shots in a game


What is arousal?

Arousal is the level of activation and alertness experienced by a performer


How can a parent motivate their child to do better at sport?

Be supportive and pump them up before a game

What animal is 30x more likely to get struck by lightning than humans?



What is extrinsic motivation? Give 2 examples

An external source of motivation to achieve a goal

- A reward or prize

- A coach 


What is an outcome goal? Give an example

A goal where the outcome is specific and measurable

- Winning the game


As a coach how would I know one of my players' arousal is too low?

- Lack of interest

- Slow moving

- Looking sad / defeated


What is pressure and how can it affect performance?

Too much pressure can cause athletes to get nervous and make mistakes as they don't want to let their teammates down. 


What year did WW2 end?



Your coach is yelling at you saying 'improve or i will sub you off'. Would this increase or decrease your motivation and why

It could decrease as you would think negatively of your self. 

It could increase as you want to improve so you can stay on


What does the SMART Goal stand for?

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Achievable 

R - Realistic 

T - Timely


As a coach how can I increase the arousal of one of my players?

- Words of affirmation

- Motivational speech

- Cheering and positive attitude


Mr Vine is playing in his mixed netball grand final, his opponent keeps intentionally stepping on his toes and elbowing him. This is causing Mr vine to get angry. 

How can he decrease his arousal and stay motivated

Mr vine can do some box breathing and give himself positive self affirmations. He can focus on the goal at task and let his performance do the talking


What is Picasso's first name?



Miss Fraser is struggling to get her marking done for her year 10 IPE class. What can she do to help herself?

Miss Fraser can set a SMART goal which will help her focus and set a realistic time to finish the marking

"I want to get better at my ability to perform a step back shot. I want to be able to hit at least 75% of them. I want to practice during the week so that i can get better, I should achieve my goal soon. "

Is this a SMART Goal? Why / Why not

No, this goal is not specific enough or timely. 

There needs to be a time frame used as well as how often the training goes for.


If an athletes arousal is too high how can they decrease it?

- Box breathing

- Visualisation 

- Focusing on the goal


Mrs Tran is playing lawn bowls and she is getting increasingly nervous that Mr Kumitau is going to beat her. This is affecting her performance, what can she do to increase her performance?

Mrs Tran can do some visualisation to visualise the shot she is going to perform. She can also do some positive affirmations.

Which musician has the most Grammys?



If you were to quit pursuing your goal today, what would your future self five years from now say about that decision?

Teachers pick favourite answer


Write a SMART Goal for netball performance next year

By the end of 8 weeks, I will improve my shooting accuracy in netball from 60% to 80% by practicing for 30 minutes, 4 times a week, using targeted drills to enhance precision and consistency.


What does the term 'optimal arousal' mean and how can it impact performance?

Optimal arousal is a psychological construct referring to a level of mental stimulation at which physical performance, learning, or temporary feelings of wellbeing are maximized


Mr Benson and Mr Coburn are on their Saturday morning walk before some hot yoga. After the walk they did not feel motivated to get themselves ready for the hot yoga. What can Mr Benson do to motivate Mr Coburn to complete the session?

Mr Benson can give Mr Coburn some support and encouragement by discussing some extrinsic rewards such as feeling better and maybe when they finish they can get a cold rock ice cream. 

This would motivate Mr Coburn extrinsically.


Name all of the HPE teachers first names spelt Correctly

Fletcher Findlay

Liam Portelli

Anita Davey

Sandra Tran

William Vine

Ashley Neto

Nelli Kumitau

Leigh Westerberg

Tyler Coburn

Ryan Benson

Thomas Hughes

Candace Fraser
