Mention as minimun one implement to play baseball.
How many total players are on the basketball court at one time during a game?
10 players
How many pins are there in Bowling?
10 pins
How many strikes do you get until your out until the next turn?
3 Strikes
True or False?
Double dribble is illegal in basketball.
True, You can only dribble the ball with one hand at the same time. Double dribbling is an infraction in basketball.
What do you call when the ball knocks over all the pins?
How many inning are there in the Baseball Score?
9 Innings
What is it called when a person takes too many steps with the ball without bouncing it?
How many holes does a bowling ball have?
3 Holes
How many bases are there on the baseball field?
3 Bases
How many points is a free throw worth?
1 point
Why do Bowling balls have to be heavy?
To make it easier to knock over the pins
What is the circumference of baseball in inches?
9 inches
What are the max points you can do in a shot?
3 points
What you call when the ball knocks down the last pins when the rest were already knocked over?